Primes by Seive |
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Two-Dimensional Array |
-- Array aggregates. Array aggregates are essentially constants of
-- array type. They can be used either for initialization or in
-- assignment statements.
with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io;
procedure Arr2 is
-- Just some values to play with, along with a conversion array.
type Paint is (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Orange, Mauve,
Cherry, Indigo, Brown);
PNames: array(Paint) of String(1..6) :=
("Red ", "Green ", "Yellow", "Blue ", "Pink ", "Orange", "Mauve ",
"Cherry", "Indigo", "Brown ");
-- The type of an array of paints, along with its size.
N: constant := 8;
type AType is array(Integer range 1..N) of Paint;
-- Some Paint arrays. The first one is initialized with a list
-- of colors.
A: AType := (Red, Red, Pink, Blue, Orange, Cherry, Indigo, Indigo);
B, C: AType;
I: Integer; -- Loop index.
-- Use positions to set varioius values in various places.
B := (5 => Green, 2 => Orange, 6..8 => Indigo, 1|3|4 => Brown);
-- Set the entire array to Blue.
C := (AType'First .. AType'Last => Blue);
-- Print the position numbers, spaced out to align with the
-- the printouts of each of the arrays below.
for I in 1..N loop
Put(" ");
Put(" ");
end loop;
-- Print out the contents of each of A, B, and C.
for I in 1..N loop
Put(PNames(A(I)) & " ");
end loop;
for I in 1..N loop
Put(PNames(B(I)) & " ");
end loop;
for I in 1..N loop
Put(PNames(C(I)) & " ");
end loop;
end Arr2;
Primes by Seive |
Two-Dimensional Array |