Function Access
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Function Access

Ada Code Examples

<<Rules for all pointers Download Integer Stack Package Specification>>
-- One of the classic examples of the use of procedural parameters is
-- a generalized sort.  Many languages support procedural parameters, excepting
-- Java, where such things are accomplished using interfaces.  In Ada,
-- procedural parameters are created by creating a function (or procedure)
-- access type.
-- This file implements a quicksort to sort a list of (X,Y) points.  It uses
-- a comparison function sent as a parameter to compare the points.  It then
-- sorts them in various ways with several such functions.
with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
procedure DoSort is
   -- We're going to work with an array of x, y points.
   type Point is record
      X, Y: Integer;
   end record;

   -- This type describes a sort comparison function.
   type Comparator is
      access function (A, B: Point) return Integer;

   -- Arrays of integers which can be sorted.
   type Point_Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Point;

   -- Print the array.
   procedure Print(Arr: Point_Arr) is
      for I in Arr'Range loop
      end loop;
   end Print;

   -- This is the sort function itself.  Because it's a nice use of
   -- slices, it's a recursive quicksort.  This will sort an array of
   -- integers in any order definable by a comparison function which
   -- you send.
   procedure Sort(Arr: in out Point_Arr; Comp: Comparator) is
      -- This is the partition function for quick sort.
      procedure Split(Pivot: out Integer; Arr: in out Point_Arr) is
         -- A simple swap procedure is useful.
         procedure Swap(A, B: in out Point) is
            T: Point;
            T := A;
            A := B;
            B := T;

         -- These are scanners for the left and right ends of the
         -- split algorithm.
         Left: Integer := Arr'First + 1;
         Right: Integer := Arr'Last;
         -- Put("In:  "); Print(Arr);

            -- Move the left pointer to the first item out of place on the
            -- left side.
            while Left < Arr'Last and then
                                Comp(Arr(Left), Arr(Arr'First)) <= 0 loop
               Left := Left + 1;
            end loop;

            -- Move the right pointer to the first item out of place on the
            -- left side.
            while Right > Arr'First and then
                                Comp(Arr(Right), Arr(Arr'First)) > 0 loop
               Right := Right - 1;
            end loop;

            -- If they pass, we are done.
            exit when Left >= Right;

            -- Swap, then go 'round again.
            Swap(Arr(Left), Arr(Right));

         end loop;

         -- Put the pivot in place.
         Swap(Arr(Right), Arr(Arr'First));
         Pivot := Right;

      end Split;

      -- Location of the pivot point.
      Pivot: Integer;

      -- See if this is large enough to need sorting.
      if Arr'length > 1 then
         Split(Pivot, Arr);

         Sort(Arr(Arr'First..Pivot-1), Comp);
         Sort(Arr(Pivot+1..Arr'Last), Comp);
      end if;

   end Sort;

   -- Here are some comparisons which we can use with the sort.

   -- Sort by X first, then Y for points with matching X.
   function ByX(A, B: Point) return Integer is
      Primary: Integer; -- Result of primary comparison.
      Primary := A.X - B.X;
      if Primary /= 0 then
         return Primary;
         return A.Y - B.Y;
      end if;

   -- Sort by Y first, then by X.
   function ByY(A, B: Point) return Integer is
      Primary: Integer; -- Result of primary comparison.
      Primary := A.Y - B.Y;
      if Primary /= 0 then
         return Primary;
         return A.X - B.X;
      end if;

   -- Distance from the origen.  (I probably don't really need to take the
   -- the square root just to get the comparison.)
   function Dist(A, B: Point) return Integer is
      Adist, Bdist: Float;
      -- Compute each distance using results from some old Greek guy, whose
      -- stuff still works somehow even though we've invented computers.
      -- Amazing!
      Adist := Sqrt(Float(A.X*A.X + A.Y*A.Y));
      Bdist := Sqrt(Float(B.X*B.X + B.Y*B.Y));

      -- Compute and return the result.
      if Adist < Bdist then
         return -1;
      elsif Adist > Bdist then
         return 1;
         return 0;
      end if;

   -- This orders the points by position in a rotational sweep from the
   -- positive X axis counter-clockwise.
   function Sweep(A, B: Point) return Integer is
      Arad, Brad: Float;
      -- Compute the angles from 0.0 using arc tangent.
      Arad := Arctan(X => Float(A.X), Y => Float(A.Y));
      if Arad < 0.0 then Arad := Arad + 2.0*Ada.Numerics.Pi; end if;
      Brad := Arctan(X => Float(B.X), Y => Float(B.Y));
      if Brad < 0.0 then Brad := Brad + 2.0*Ada.Numerics.Pi; end if;

      -- Compute and return the result.
      if Arad < Brad then
         return -1;
      elsif Arad > Brad then
         return 1;
         return 0;
      end if;

   Pts: Point_Arr :=
     ((5, -8), (-4, 19), (1, 10), (10, 2), (-4, -4), (-4, 2), (3, 2), (10, 1));
   Sort(Pts, ByX'Access);
   Put("Sort by X: ");

   Sort(Pts, ByY'Access);
   Put("Sort by Y: ");

   Sort(Pts, Dist'Access);
   Put("Sort by Dist: ");

   Sort(Pts, Sweep'Access);
   Put("Sort by Angle: ");
end DoSort;
<<Rules for all pointers Integer Stack Package Specification>>