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Default and Keyword Parameters.![>>]( |
-- Function using variable-sized array parameter.
with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io;
procedure f3 is
-- A procedure which requires only input parameters. It prints the
-- indicated string the indicated number of times.
procedure Print_Lots(S: String; N: Integer) is
I : Integer;
for I in 1..N loop
end loop;
end Print_Lots;
-- This requires an input and an output parameter. It fills an
-- existing String with a sequence of chacters starting with the
-- one indicated. Note that we have stated the in designation
-- of Ch explicitly. It is the default, so we did not need to state
-- it.
procedure Fill_String(S: out String; Chin: in Character) is
I: Integer; -- Loop index.
Ch: Character := Chin; -- Note: We cannot just use Chin, since it
-- is an input parameter, which we may not
-- change.
for I in S'Range loop
S(I) := Ch;
Ch := Character'Succ(Ch);
-- *** Chin := Character'Succ(Chin); *** -- Would not compile. --
end loop;
end Fill_String;
-- This requires an in-out parameter. It reverses the contents of
-- a string.
procedure Str_Rev(S: in out String) is
Lower, Higher: Integer; -- The lower and upper point in the swap scan.
Tmp: Character; -- Exchange temp.
Higher := S'Last;
for Lower in S'First .. (S'First + S'Last) / 2 loop
-- Swap.
Tmp := S(Lower);
S(Lower) := S(Higher);
S(Higher) := Tmp;
-- Next pair
Higher := Higher - 1;
end loop;
end Str_Rev;
-- Some test strings.
A: String(1..26);
B: String(5..15);
Print_Lots("Hi ", 5);
Fill_String(A, 'A');
Put_Line("Can you say your alphabet, Ada? " & A);
Fill_String(B, '!');
Put_Line("What you think of the rule against changing input parms? " & B);
Put_Line("What was that again? " & B);
Put_Line("Now say your zedy, Ada. " & A);
end f3;
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Default and Keyword Parameters.![>>]( |