Function Overloading. |
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Simple Linked List With Disposal. |
-- Simple linked list. Just reads in some integers, places them into a
-- stack-like linked list, then prints them out again in reverse order.
-- Input terminated with -1.
with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io;
procedure ll is
type Node; -- There is some type node.
type Node_Ptr is access Node; -- Node_Ptr points to those.
type Node is record -- Now I'll tell you what Node is.
Data: Integer;
Next: Node_Ptr;
end record;
Head: Node_Ptr; -- Head of the list.
New_Node: Node_Ptr; -- Created node.
Scan_Ptr: Node_Ptr; -- Scan the list.
In_Int: Integer; -- Input integer.
-- Read in a list of integers to -1.
-- Read and integer, stopping at -1.
Put("> ");
exit when In_Int = -1;
-- Create a node for it, filled in. The initial values on new are
-- optional, but useful to fill in the new space, much like a
-- constructor.
New_Node := new Node'(In_Int, null);
-- Link it into the list. (Actually, we could have set Next to be head
-- when we created the node in the last stmt, but I thought it would
-- be clearer this way.)
New_Node.Next := Head;
Head := New_Node;
end loop;
-- Now print out the integers (backwards.)
Scan_Ptr := Head;
-- If the list is entirely empty, bail out now.
exit when Scan_Ptr = null;
-- Print, go to next.
Scan_Ptr := Scan_Ptr.Next;
-- If there is no next, we are done.
exit when Scan_Ptr = null;
-- Since there is a next, print a space to separate the items.
Put(" ");
end loop;
end ll;
Function Overloading. |
Simple Linked List With Disposal. |