# This tests the adder simulation by building various size adders and running
# them various numbers of times.
require "csim"
require "adder"
# Size of the adder.
size = 8
rpt = 20
size = $*[0].to_i if $*.length > 0
rpt = $*[1].to_i if $*.length > 1
# Blueprint for the 10-bit adder.
bp = Adder.new(size)
addr = bp.another
# Hook up two input switch banks, one output, and an overflow led.
na = SwitchBank.new
size.times { na.join(addr) }
nb = SwitchBank.new
size.times { nb.join(addr) }
disp = NumberOut.new(" Sum")
size.times { addr.join(disp) }
addr.join(LED.new(" Oflow"))
# Perform 30 addtions of random numbers. For each, we choose two random
# inputs, and set them into the input switch banks. The outputs will print,
# being the sum numeric display and the overflow LED.
print "== Performing #{rpt} tests on #{size}-bit adder. ",
"Max sum is #{(1<<size)-1} ==\n"
rpt.times do
# Choose randoms and print them.
a = rand(1<<size)
b = rand(1<<size)
print a, " + ", b, ":\n"
# Add them, and keep the circuits active to suppress printout until after
# the whole operation is complete.
na.value = a
nb.value = b