import sys import os import glob from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * from tkFileDialog import * # Contact the environemnt variable (if it exists) and the extension, and see # if the result is an existing directory. If so, return the result. Else, # return False. def seeif(evar, exten, addme=False): if not os.environ.has_key(evar): return False path = os.environ[evar] if exten: path = path + os.sep + exten if os.path.isdir(path): if addme: return path + os.sep + addme else: return path else: return False # The directory where the plugins go. if sys.platform == 'win32': plugdir = False for p in [ ( 'USERPROFILE', '\\Desktop\\modifiers', '' ), ( 'HOMEPATH', '\\Desktop\\modifiers', '' ), ( 'SystemDrive', 'modifiers', '' ), ( 'USERPROFILE', '\\Desktop', 'modifiers' ), ( 'HOMEPATH', '\\Desktop', 'modifiers' ), ( 'SystemDrive', '', 'modifiers' ) ]: plugdir = seeif(p[0], p[1], p[2]) if plugdir: break if not plugdir: plugdir = 'C:\\modifiers' else: plugdir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/modifiers' # Background colors. bgcolor='#99FFDD' abgcolor='#BBFFEE' # Represent a pixel. Takes a #hhhhhh for the initial value. class Pixel: def __init__(self, color): self.r = int(color[1:3],16) self.g = int(color[3:5],16) self.b = int(color[5:7],16) def color(self): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (self.r&0xff, self.g&0xff, self.b&0xff) class ImageSyncError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg # Image class extending PhotoImage from Tkinter, adding convenient # methods for getting and setting individual pixels. class ImageBender(PhotoImage): # Initialize the image. This is presumably not as generaly, but I # don't know enough to fix that. Works for what I need. def __init__(self, file=''): if file == '': PhotoImage.__init__(self, width=200, height=150) self.put(('{' + (bgcolor + ' ') * 200 + '} ' )*150, (0, 0)) else: PhotoImage.__init__(self, file=file) self.cnys() # This is a Tk method omitted in Python. Perl has it! Nah nah nah nah # nah nah! I have patterned it after the write method in # which sends similar arguments to Tk. It should be portable, but if # it doesn't work on Windows I'll probably want to invent some new curse # words. def data(self, background=None, format=None, from_coords=None): """Exract image data from the image in FORMAT optionally selecting the region in FROM_COORDS replacing transparent pixels with BACKGROUND. from_coords is (x.y) starting loc, or (x1,y1,x2,y2) region, excluding the limit""" args = (, 'data') if background: args = args + ('-background', background) if format: args = args + ('-format', format) if from_coords: args = args + ('-from',) + tuple(from_coords) return # Load the image data into a Python list structure. Eccch. But # going through Tk a pixel at a time is tooooo sssssllllllooooooowwwwwww # Data is loaded in (and out) a row at a time. That may turn out to have # just barely acceptable performance. def cnys(self): try: self.idat = [] for row in range(0,self.height()): # For each row, we get the row data from Tk which is a string # { #hhhhhh .... }. In the last stmt, the { } are removed, # the pixels are split, and each is converted into a an # integer. This list of integers for the row is appended to # self.idat, a list of the row lists. rowdat =, from_coords=(0, row, self.width(), row + 1)) left = rowdat.find('{') right = rowdat.find('}') if left < 0 or right < 0: raise ImageSyncError("Format: Missing { or }") self.idat.append(map((lambda x: Pixel(x)), rowdat[left+1:right].split())) except Exception, e: showerror('Internal Error', 'Image sync failed: ' + str(e)) throw # Load changes made to the Python image data into the image itself. This # is a duzey, which packs the entire modified image data as a string and # sends it to self.put, which updates the image with the new data. def sync(self): self.put(' '.join(map((lambda row: '{'+ ' '.join (map((lambda x: x.color()),row)) + '}'), self.idat))) # File open. def getfile(): global pic fn = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("GIF files", '.gif')]) root.update() if fn: try: lpic = ImageBender(file=fn) except: showwarning("Open Failed", 'Unable to open ' + fn) return pic = lpic ilab.configure(image=pic) # File save def savefile(): global pic fn = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("GIF files", '.gif')]) root.update() if fn: try: pic.write(fn, format='GIF') except: showwarning("Save Failed", 'Unable to save to ' + fn) return # Exit def quit(): root.quit() root = Tk() root.title('Pluggable Image Manipulation') bgframe = Frame(root, bg=bgcolor) bgframe.grid(row=0,column=0) # Create the standard file menu (though we don't fill it up 'till later). top = Menu(bgframe, bg=bgcolor, activebackground=abgcolor) root.config(menu=top) # Create the empty image. pic = ImageBender() # Create and grid a button for the image modification functions. def runmod(m): try: m.modify(pic) except Exception, e: showerror('Modify Failed', 'Modify operation failed: ' + str(e)); else: pic.sync() def mkbut(r, c, lab, module): ret = Button(bgframe, text=lab, command=lambda m=module: runmod(m), bg=bgcolor, activebackground=abgcolor) ret.grid(row=r, column=c, sticky='news') return ret # This maps extension modules to module objects. modlist = { } # Load the extension modules. def loadmods(): global modlist, nextmod, plugdir # Update the search path oldpath = sys.path sys.path = [ plugdir ] + sys.path # Load the modules. Make a list of them, the tuple (name, label, sortkey) # for each one. mods = [ ] for m in glob.glob(plugdir + os.sep + '*.py'): mod = m[m.rfind(os.sep)+1:] mod = mod[:mod.rfind('.py')] # If it is already in our list, we'll reload. if modlist.has_key(mod): try: reload(modlist[mod]) except Exception, e: showerror('Plugin Reload Failed', 'Reload of ' + mod + ' extension failed: ' + str(e)) continue else: try: modlist[mod] = __import__(mod) except Exception, e: showerror('Plugin Load Failed', 'Load of ' + mod + ' extension failed: ' + str(e)) continue; try: label = modlist[mod].label except: label = mod try: seq = modlist[mod].ordinal except: seq = 999999 sortkey = "%06d.%s" % (seq, label.lower()) mods.append((modlist[mod],label,sortkey)) # Restore the module search path. sys.path = oldpath ncol = 3 if ncol > len(mods): ncol = len(mods) if ncol == 0: ncol = 1 # Create the buttons for them mods.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) row = 1 col = 0 buts = [ ] for b in mods: buts.append(mkbut(row, col, b[1], b[0])) col = col + 1 if col == ncol: row = row + 1 col = 0 return (ncol, buts) (ncol, buts) = loadmods(); # Reload the modules def modrel(): global ncol, buts for b in buts: b.destroy() (ncol, buts) = loadmods(); ilab.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=ncol) # Action for setting the Modifiers directory. def setmodloc(): global plugdir fn = askdirectory(initialdir=plugdir) if fn: plugdir = fn modrel() # Menu bar contents fmenu = Menu(top, bg=bgcolor, activebackground=abgcolor) fmenu.add_command(label='Open...', command=getfile, underline=0) fmenu.add_command(label='Save...', command=savefile, underline=0) fmenu.add_command(label='Exit', command=quit, underline=0) top.add_cascade(label='File', menu=fmenu, underline=0) pmenu = Menu(top, bg=bgcolor, activebackground=abgcolor) pmenu.add_command(label='Reload', command=modrel, underline=0) pmenu.add_command(label='Location...', command=setmodloc, underline=0) top.add_cascade(label='Modifiers', menu=pmenu, underline=0) # Display the image ilab = Label(bgframe, image=pic) ilab.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=ncol) class DispLabel(Label): """ A label which shows a string of the form name=value, where the value is an integer """ def __init__(self, parent, name, val): Label.__init__(self, parent, bg=bgcolor, width=10) = name self.set(val) def set(self, val): self.config(text = "%s=%d" % (, val)) cpop = None class CPop(Toplevel): """Color description window. Describes the color when the user clicks. Intended for there to be zero on one instance, stored in global cpop.""" def mklab(self, name, val, rw, cl, stk): "Private. Make a value-describing label" ret = DispLabel(self, name, val) ret.grid(row=rw, column=cl, sticky=stk) return ret def __init__(self, row, col, r, g, b): "Initialize with a particular position and color." Toplevel.__init__(self) self.title("Color") self.rowlab = self.mklab("row", row, 0, 0, 'e') self.collab = self.mklab("col", col, 1, 0, 'e') self.redlab = self.mklab("red", r, 0, 1, 'w') self.greenlab = self.mklab("green", g, 1, 1, 'w') self.bluelab = self.mklab("blue", b, 2, 1, 'w') self.colorlab = Label(self, background=("#%02x%02x%02x" %(r,g,b))) self.colorlab.grid(row=2, column=0,sticky='news') Button(self, text="Ok", command=self.drop, bg=bgcolor, activebackground=abgcolor,).\ grid(row=3,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky='news') global cpop cpop = self def set(self, row, col, r, g, b): "Set to a new position and color" self.rowlab.set(row) self.collab.set(col) self.redlab.set(r) self.greenlab.set(g) self.bluelab.set(b) self.colorlab.config(background=("#%02x%02x%02x" %(r,g,b))) def drop(self): "Bye." global cpop cpop = None self.destroy() # Describe the pixel you clicked. def colorpop(e): "Pops up a dialog giving the color at the selected location" row = e.y - int(str(ilab.cget('pady'))) col = e.x - int(str(ilab.cget('padx'))) if row < pic.height() and col < pic.width(): global cpop if cpop == None: cpop = CPop(row, col, pic.idat[row][col].r, pic.idat[row][col].g, pic.idat[row][col].b) else: cpop.set(row, col, pic.idat[row][col].r, pic.idat[row][col].g, pic.idat[row][col].b) ilab.bind("", colorpop) root.mainloop()