Rational Number Package Body
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Rational Number Package Body

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-- Body for rational number package.
with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io;
package body Rational_Number is
   -- This is a private method to compute the GCD of two numbers using
   -- Euclid's Algorithm.
   function GCD(A, B: Integer) return Integer is
      Ar: Integer := A;     -- These are the candidate values from the
      Br: Integer := B;     --   algorithm.
      ModVal: Integer;      -- Holds Ar mod Br.
      -- Algorithm repeats as long as you can create new Br values.  Stop
      -- at zero when you cannot divide for next value.
      while Br > 0 loop
         -- Set for next iteration.
         ModVal := Ar mod Br;
         Ar := Br;
         Br := ModVal;
      end loop;

      return Ar;
   end GCD;

   -- Use the GCD funtion to place two integers into lowest terms.
   procedure Lowest(A, B: in out Unsigned) is
      -- Remember the GCD.
      The_GCD: Integer := GCD(A, B);
      A := A / The_GCD;
      B := B / The_GCD;
   end Lowest;

   -- Return the rational in lowest terms.
   function Lowest(R: Rational) return Rational is
      -- Return value.
      RetVal: Rational := R;
      -- Lower and send.
      Lowest(RetVal.Num, RetVal.Denom);
      return RetVal;
   end Lowest;

   -- Get there from an integer or pair of integers.
   function To_Rational(Num: Integer; Den: Integer := 1) return Rational is
      R: Rational;      -- Return value.
      -- Build and send.
      R.Num := Num;
      R.Denom := Den;
      return R;
   end To_Rational;

   -- Output a rational.
   procedure Put(R: Rational) is
      -- Convert to lowest terms for printing.
      RLow: Rational := Lowest(R);
      if RLow.Denom /= 1 then
      end if;
   end Put;

   -- This matches the denominators for addition and subtraction.  The two
   -- functions are converted to have the same denominator.
   procedure Common_Denom(A, B: in out Rational) is
      -- The GCD of the denominators of A and B.
      GCD_Ad_Bd: Integer;

      AMult: Integer;   -- Multiplier for A.
      -- Reduce the fractions and find the GCD..
      A := Lowest(A);
      B := Lowest(B);
      GCD_Ad_Bd := GCD(A.Denom, B.Denom);

      -- Re-write with a common denomiator.
      AMult := B.Denom / GCD_Ad_Bd;             -- Multiplier for A.

      A.Num := A.Num * AMult;                   -- Numerators.
      B.Num := B.Num * (A.Denom / GCD_Ad_Bd);

      A.Denom := A.Denom * AMult;               -- Denominators.
      B.Denom := A.Denom;
   end Common_Denom;

   -- Four functions.
   function "+" (A, B: Rational) return Rational is
      -- Copies of the args so we can change them.
      ACopy: Rational := A;
      BCopy: Rational := B;
      Common_Denom(ACopy, BCopy);
      return To_Rational(ACopy.Num + BCopy.Num, ACopy.Denom);
   end "+";

   function "-" (A, B: Rational) return Rational is
      -- Copies of the args so we can change them.
      ACopy: Rational := A;
      BCopy: Rational := B;
      Common_Denom(ACopy, BCopy);
      return To_Rational(ACopy.Num - BCopy.Num, ACopy.Denom);
   end "-";

   function "*" (A, B: Rational) return Rational is
      -- Copies of the args so we can change them.
      ACopy: Rational := Lowest(A);
      BCopy: Rational := Lowest(B);
      -- These changes preserve the product and can prevent overflow under
      -- some circumstances.
      Lowest(ACopy.Num, BCopy.Denom);
      Lowest(BCopy.Num, ACopy.Denom);

      -- Make the answer.
      return To_Rational(ACopy.Num * BCopy.Num, ACopy.Denom * BCopy.Denom);
   end "*";

   function "/" (A, B: Rational) return Rational is
      return A * To_Rational(B.Denom, B.Num);
   end "/";

   -- Equality test.  Sees if they are the same after reduction to
   -- lowest terms.
   function "=" (A, B: Rational) return Boolean is
      ALow: Rational := Lowest(A);
      BLow: Rational := Lowest(B);
      return ALow.Num = BLow.Num and ALow.Denom = BLow.Denom;
   end "=";

end Rational_Number;
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