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  <title>The Idea of Hypertext</title>
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   <h1 style="text-align: center; color: rgb(128,32,83); 
              font-family: sans-serif">Hypertext</h1>
    <b>HTML</b> stands for HyperText Markup Language.  Hypertext 
    expresses the idea
    that you can click on what you are reading to jump to something else
    which is related.  This is the same 
    <span style="font-style: italic">hyper</span> in hyperspace 
    that the characters in your favorite
    science-fiction story are always jumping through.  The idea is to
    go immediately to a distant place.  In the case of documents,
    you are going to
    a place which may be far away in whatever scheme is normally used
    to order the documents.
    HTML is a way of expressing hypertext, but the idea
    is older.  The first mention 
    is probably
    Vannevar Bush's description of <span style="color: #4B935D">Memex</span>
    in 1945.  The term was coined by Ted Nelson in 1965, and was
    popularly embodied in the HyperCard application shipped with the
    original Apple Macintosh (from 
    <a href="http://www.fact-index.com/h/hy/hypertext.html">Fact-Index.com</a>).

   <div style="margin: 1cm; border: 1pt solid #557733; padding: 10pt;">
     The <span style="font-family: monospace;">span</span> tag is just
     a holder for its style attribute; the tag itself changes nothing.
     The <span style="font-family: monospace;">div</span> tag is similar,
     except it also makes its contained text into a separate block.