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Functions as arguments

CS 231 Lecture Examples

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; It is possible to create an anonymous function.
(lambda (x) (+ x 1))

; This is fairly useless unless you call it.
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 17)
; Which is a very verbose version of (+ 17 1)

; (mapcar f list) applies the function to each member of the list to give
; a new list.
(mapcar 'abs '(4 5 -3 -11 4))

; Mapcar can also work with multiple lists.  The number of lists must equal
; the arity of the function.
(mapcar '+ '(4 17 7) '(8 -5 21))

; Anonymous functions can be used with mapcar.
(mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(4 18 5 11 8))
(mapcar (lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))) '(4 9 7 16) '(1 8 2 1))

; The reduce function will combine all the members of a list to
; form a result value which is the combination of these.  Here's
; a way to sum a list or take a product:
(reduce '+ '(4 9 2 1))   ; Equiv to (+ (+ (+ 4 9) 2) 1)
(reduce '* '(4 9 2 1))   ; Equiv to (* (* (* 4 9) 2) 1)

; Here's a brain-damaged, .. er.., interesting way to find the length of a 
; list.
(defun oddlen (lis) (reduce '+ (mapcar (lambda (x) 1) lis)))
(oddlen '(this is a list))

; This function selects the members of the list which satisfy the predicate.
; It is inconceivable that Common Lisp does not provide this somewhere as
; a standard function, but I cannot for the life of me find it.  It's probably
; called something obvious like idaho.
(defun select (f? lis)
        ((null lis) ())
        ((funcall f? (car lis)) (cons (car lis) (select f? (cdr lis))))
        (t (select f? (cdr lis)))

(select (lambda (x) (> x 10)) '(4 14 10 23 4 9 18))

; Here's a version of select sort on a lisp list.
(defun select_sort (lis)
    (if (or (null lis) (null (cdr lis)))
                (themax (reduce 'max lis))
                (maxes (select (lambda (x) (= x themax)) lis))
                (others (select (lambda (x) (/= x themax)) lis))
            (append maxes (select_sort others))

(select_sort '(4 9 18 4 45 18 4 12 4 198 15 8))
(select_sort '(22))
