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Simple List Recursion Functions

CS 231 Lecture Examples

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; Common Lisp list functions.  Many of these do the same thing as some
; built-in function.

; Return the length of a list.
(defun len (lst)
    (if (null lst)
        (+ 1 (len (cdr lst)))

; Total of the items of a list of numbers.
(defun lsum (lst)
    (if (null lst)
        (+ (car lst) (lsum (cdr lst)))

; Return the append of lst1 and lst2.
(defun app (lst1 lst2)
    (if (null lst1)
            (car lst1)
            (app (cdr lst1) lst2)

; Return the number of elements in list or any sublist.  For a flat list,
; this is the same as the length: (members '(a b c)) is 3.  For a list
; containing sublists, it counts the sublists, so 
; (members '(a b (c d (e f)) g (h i))) is 9, while
; (len '(a b (c d (e f)) g (h i))) is 5.
(defun members (lst)
        ((null lst) 0)
        ((listp (car lst)) (+ (members (car lst)) (members (cdr lst))))
        (t (+ 1 (members (cdr lst))))

; Return the flat form of the list.  That is, remove all nesting, and return
; the list of the same elements in the same order.  So 
; (A (B) (C (D E (F) G)) H) becomes (A B C D E F G H).
(defun flatten (lst)
        ((null lst) ())
        ((listp (car lst)) (flatten (app (car lst) (cdr lst))))
        (t (cons (car lst) (flatten (cdr lst))))

; Remove each member of the list equal to the target.
(defun pick_off (victim lst)
        ((null lst) ())
        ((equal victim (car lst)) (pick_off victim (cdr lst)))
        (t (cons (car lst) (pick_off victim (cdr lst))))
