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Greetings! I see this is your first visit here, at least recently. Welcome to my web site. For the next three hours, your name is $name. I hope you like it. Well, actually, I don't care too much if you like it or not. I'm just a computer, after all. Do visit again.

END; } else if($rot == 0) { echo <<Welcome back, $name. This is visit number $count. I'm glad you thought to come back.

END; } else if($rot == 1) { echo <<Hi there, $name. I'm glad to see you again. Here at our charming web site, we know how to count. This is visit $count for you.

END; } else if($rot == 2) { $th = 'second'; if($count > 2) { $th = $count . 'th'; } echo <<$name, it is so good to see you on your $th visit. I knew you could not stay away from this fantastic web site. How's your cookie?

END; } else if($rot == 3) { echo <<Welcome back to my digital abode, $name. Since this is visit $count, I know that you are familiar with the layout. Not that we have much of that here. But it's so good to see you again. END; } else if($rot == 4) { echo <<Return To Me.

"; ?>