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CS 404 Lisp Processor Download

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For Lisp programming, we will use clisp. The Unix version is installed on ss. The Windows version is (1,286,734 bytes). This works, but installation is harder than it should be. You should do the following:

  1. Unzip the archive to a temporary area with your favorite unzip program.

  2. Read the the README. It begins "Change the strings in src/config.lsp, using a text editor. Then start" Which sure seems to be missing something. Complete the sentence with "clisp by starting DOS, going to the directory where the distribution was unpacked, and typing lisp -M lispinit.mem." Then continue with the instructions from the README.

  3. The last instruction in the README is "Then create a directory, and put the executable and the memory image there." I believe the "memory image" is the file lispinit.mem. So place lisp.exe and lispinit.mem in some permanent location, and you may delete what you unpacked, though you might want to save the doc subdirectory somewhere.

  4. I found that the executable would not run correctly without the -M option indicated above. I created a file clisp.bat containing the single line

    C:\clisp\lisp.exe -M C:\clisp\lispinit.mem

    which runs the program correctly. Put it on your search path if you want to run from DOS, or it should run fine by double-clicking from the explorer. Of course, you would substitute your actual location of the lisp.exe and lispinit.mem files for C:\clisp.

The clisp home page is
