; Modified d function to add a case for the Ax^n expression.
(load "diff.lsp")
; Create new version of d which adds a case for the Ax^n type expression.
; The function Axn? detects such an expression, and diff-Axn executes the
; rule.
(define (d x E)
((constant? E) (diff-constant x E))
((variable? E) (diff-variable x E))
((sum? E) (diff-sum x E))
((Axn? x E) (diff-Axn x E)) ; New case here.
((product? E) (diff-product x E))
(#t (error ERR_BADEXPR "Cannot parse expression."))
; Takes an expression, and collects all the constants into a single value
; at the front. Assumes E is an add or multiply expression (a list starting
; with + or *) All the constants will be removed, combined by the operator,
; and left at the front. If the original list contains no constants, the
; identity will be added to the front of the list.
(define (collect-constants E)
(parts (cdr E))
(const (eval (cons (car E) (select constant? parts))))
(non-const (select (lambda (x) (not (constant? x))) parts))
(cons (car E) (cons const non-const))
; Returns true if all the members of the list are equal. Returns true for
; empty and singleton lists.
(define (all-the-same? lst)
((null? lst) #t) ; empty list
((null? (cdr lst)) #t) ; singleton list.
(#t (reduce and
(map (lambda (x) (equal? x (car lst))) (cdr lst))
; Detect that an expression has the form Ax^n. That is, it is a product
; of constants (zero or more) and the variable x (one or more).
(define (Axn? x E)
; Give this one a real body
; Take the derivative of an expression that is assumed to satisfy the
; Axn? function given above.
(define (diff-Axn x E)
; This needs one, too.
(error 100 "diff-Axn isn't done yet.")