Basic Ruby Class Example
# Class names must be capitalized. Technically, it's a constant. class Fred # The initialize method is the constructor. The @val is # an object value. def initialize(v) @val = v end # Set it and get it. def set(v) @val = v end def get return @val end end # Objects are created by the new method of the class object. a = b = print "A: ", a.get, " ", b.get,"\n"; b.set(34) print "B: ", a.get, " ", b.get,"\n"; # Ruby classes are always unfinished works. This does not # re-define Fred, it adds more stuff to it. class Fred def inc @val += 1 end end print "C: ", a.get, " ", b.get,"\n"; # Objects may have methods all to themselves. def b.dec @val -= 1 end begin b.dec a.dec rescue StandardError => msg print "Error: ", msg, "\n" end print "D: ", a.get, " ", b.get,"\n";