(************************************************************************** * * This program maintains a small work schedule covering the hours 8-6. * It processes the following commands: * * sched employee startday endday starthour endhour * The employee is added to the schedule in the range of days and * hours indicated. * * clear startday endday starthour endhour * The part of the schedule indicated is cleared any assignment * of an employee during those hours is removed. * * unsched employee * Remove the employee from all places in the schedule to which * s/he has been assigned. * * print * Print the schedule. Show a table with days along the top, and * hours down the side, giving the scheduled employee in each * position. * * total employee * Print the total hours for which the employee is scheduled. If * the employee does not appear in the table, the total is 0. * * quit * Terminate the program. **************************************************************************) PROGRAM a1 (input,output); USES dayio; CONST { Open positions in the schedule. } NotScheduled = ' '; { Max length of an employee name. } EmployeeMaxLen = 8; { Hours in a day. } FirstHour = 8; LastHour = 17; { 5:00 PM in 24-hour time } PastLastHour = 18; { One past, for while loops. } { How much room to allow for each day in the table. } TableDayWidth = 9; TYPE { The employee name type. } EmployeeType = string[EmployeeMaxLen]; { The type of the schedule ARRAY. } { HourType = FirstHour..LastHour; } HourType = 8..17; ScheduleType = ARRAY [HourType, DayType] OF EmployeeType; { HourScanType = FirstHour..PastLastHour; } HourScanType = 8..18; (*********************************************************************** * Procedure to read the next non-blank. It skips leading blanks, then * reads the string up to the first blank or eoln. ***********************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadString(VAR Str: string); VAR Ch: char; BEGIN Ch := ' '; WHILE (Ch = ' ') AND NOT eoln DO read(Ch); IF Ch = ' ' THEN { There is no command on this line. } Str := '' ELSE BEGIN { Read the beast. } Str := ''; WHILE (Ch <> ' ') AND NOT eoln DO BEGIN Str := Str + Ch; read(Ch) END; IF Ch <> ' ' THEN { Command ended at eoln. } Str := Str + Ch END END; { ReadString } (*********************************************************************** * Procedure to read the arguments held in common by the sched * clear commands. Returns them through the arguments. If there * is some error, that is reported through the argument error. * Precondition: Following the read pointer, the input contains * two days of the week, then two integers. If all days are present and * correct, the integers must be present and correct. * Postcondition: If both strings are recognized day names, * they are read, and the integers are read as well, and their values * are loaded into StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, and EndHour, and Error * is set to false. The hours are mapped to 24-hour clock time under * the rule that hours less than 6 are PM, and others are AM. If a day * is missing or not recognized, the rest of the input line is * discarded, and Error is set to true. If there is extra information * on the line, it is discared. The read pointer is left at the start * of the following line. ***********************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadSchedClrArgs( VAR StartDay, EndDay: DayType; { Input days. } VAR StartHour, EndHour: HourType; { Input hour range. } VAR Error: boolean); { Input error indicator.} VAR InputHour: integer; { Input hour value. } { Map time to 24-hours based on the AM/PM rules. } FUNCTION MapTo24(Hour: integer): HourType; CONST { AM/PM time cut-off. } LastPM = 5; BEGIN IF Hour <= LastPM THEN MapTo24 := Hour + 12 ELSE MapTo24 := Hour END; BEGIN { ReadSchedClrArgs } { Read the days. } ReadDay(input, StartDay); ReadDay(input, EndDay); { See if they both worked. } IF (StartDay <> BadDay) AND (EndDay <> BadDay) THEN BEGIN { It worked. Read the hours. } read(InputHour); StartHour := MapTo24(InputHour); read(InputHour); EndHour := MapTo24(InputHour); { Report success } Error := FALSE END ELSE (* Something went wrong, seriously wrong. *) Error := TRUE; (* We're done with this line. *) readln END; { ReadSchedClrArgs } {**************************************************************** * PROCEDURE to print headers of each day. * Precondition: None. * Postcondition: A header line with the days of the week has * been printed. The ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE WriteDaysHeader; CONST { How many spaces to move over before printing days-of the week header. } DaysHeadMoveOver = 6; { How much room to assume is needed by each day string. } AllowForDay = 3; VAR Day: DayType; BEGIN write(' ': DaysHeadMoveOver); FOR Day := Sun TO Sat DO BEGIN write('[ '); WriteDay(output, Day); write(' ]', ' ': TableDayWidth - AllowForDay - 4) END; writeln END; { WriteDaysHeader } {**************************************************************** * Function that tells if a pending schedule is legal. * Its arguments are those of sched, excluding the employee name. * Precondition: FirstHour and LastHour are in range. * Postcondition: If the indicated area of the schedule contains * blanks in each entry, then return true, else false. * Note: Schedule is sent by VAR for efficiency -- it is not * changed. ****************************************************************} FUNCTION SchedLegal( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType; { Schedule to check. } StartDay, EndDay: DayType; { Days in question. } FirstHour, LastHour: { Hours in question. } HourType): boolean; VAR ConflictFound: boolean; { Tell if one found. } DayScan: DayType; { Go through the days. } HourScan: HourScanType; { Go through the hours. } BEGIN { Scan the days. } DayScan := StartDay; ConflictFound := FALSE; REPEAT { For this day, scan the times. } HourScan := FirstHour; WHILE NOT ConflictFound AND (HourScan <= LastHour) DO BEGIN { Conflict? } ConflictFound := Schedule[HourScan, DayScan] <> NotScheduled; { Next one. } HourScan := HourScan + 1 END; { Next Day. } DayScan := succ(DayScan) UNTIL ConflictFound or (DayScan > EndDay); { And the answer is.. } SchedLegal := not ConflictFound END; { SchedLegal } {**************************************************************** * This takes care of most of the work of the clear and sched * commands. Its arguments are those of sched, with blanks in * Employee for the clear. It places this name in each indicated * postion. * Precondition: FirstHour and LastHour are in range. * Postcondition: The area of the schedule is changed to show * the indicated employee. * Note: This will replace any old entry, so the sched command * should call SchedLegal above to make sure the operation * is legal before calling this routine. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE SetSchedPart( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType; { Set me! Set me! } Employee: EmployeeType; { Who gets to work. } StartDay, EndDay: DayType; { Days in question. } FirstHour, LastHour: { Hours in question. } HourType); VAR DayScan: DayType; { Go through the days. } HourScan: HourType; { Go through the hours. } BEGIN for DayScan := StartDay to EndDay do for HourScan := FirstHour to LastHour do Schedule[HourScan, DayScan] := Employee END; { SetSchedPart } {**************************************************************** * Perform the sched command. * Precondition: The read pointer is followed by the arguments * for the sched command. * Postcondition: The arguments have been read and echoed, and the * read pointer is on the next line. The sched command has been * performed with appropriate messages. * Note: DayMap is passed by VAR for efficiency -- it is not * changed. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE DoSched( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType); { Change this. } VAR Employee: EmployeeType; { Input employee name. } StartDay, EndDay: DayType; { Input days. } StartHour, EndHour: HourType; { Input hour range. } Error: boolean; { Input error indicator.} BEGIN { Read the employee name } ReadString(Employee); { Read all the other arguments, and recieve error indication. } ReadSchedClrArgs(StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, EndHour, Error); { For errors, let 'em know. Otherwise, do it. } IF Error THEN writeln('*** Un-recognized day code. ', 'Command not performed. ***') ELSE { See if the scheduling is legal. } IF SchedLegal(Schedule, StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, EndHour) THEN BEGIN { Legal. Do it and admit it. } SetSchedPart(Schedule, Employee, StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, EndHour); writeln('>>> ', Employee, ' scheduled. <<<') END ELSE { Not legal. } writeln('*** Conflicts with existing schedule. ', 'Command not performed. ***') END; { DoSched } {**************************************************************** * Perform the clear command. * Precondition: The read pointer is followed by the arguments * for the clear command. * Postcondition: The arguments have been read and echoed, and the * read pointer is on the next line. The clear command has been * performed with appropriate messages. * Note: DayMap is passed by VAR for efficiency -- it is not * changed. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE DoClear( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType); { Change this. } VAR StartDay, EndDay: DayType; { Input days. } StartHour, EndHour: HourType; { Input hour range. } Error: boolean; { Input error indicator.} BEGIN { Read the arguments, and recieve error indication. } ReadSchedClrArgs(StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, EndHour, Error); { For errors, let 'em know. Otherwise, do it. } IF Error THEN writeln('*** Un-recognized day code. ', 'Command not performed. ***') ELSE BEGIN SetSchedPart(Schedule, NotScheduled, StartDay, EndDay, StartHour, EndHour); writeln('>>> Clear performed. <<<'); END { DoClear } END; {**************************************************************** * Peform the unsched command. * Precondition: The read pointer is followed by an employee * name. * Postcondition: The argument has been read and echoed, and the * read pointer is on the next line. The employee read has been * removed from Schedule. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE DoUnsched( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType); { Remove from. } VAR Employee: EmployeeType; { To remove. } Day: DayType; { Column scanner. } Hour: integer; { Row scanner. } Found: boolean; { Presence indicator } BEGIN { Read the employee. } readln(Employee); { Remove! Remove! } Found := FALSE; FOR Day := Sun TO Sat DO FOR Hour := FirstHour TO LastHour DO IF Schedule[Hour, Day] = Employee THEN BEGIN { Remove. } Schedule[Hour, Day] := NotScheduled; { Note. } Found := TRUE END; { Warn if not found. Else just state. } IF Found THEN write('>>> ', Employee, ' removed from schedule. <<<') ELSE write('>>> ', Employee, ' was not on the schedule. <<<') END; { DoUnsched } {**************************************************************** * Peform the print command. * Precondition: None. * Postcondition: Schedule has been printed to output. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE DoPrint( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType); { Print me. } VAR Hour: HourType; { Hour scan. } Day: DayType; { Day scan. } { Map from 24-hour time to 12-hour time. Arguments less than 13 are simply returned, arguments greater than 12 are reduced by 12 and returned. } FUNCTION Map24to12(HourType: HourType): integer; BEGIN IF Hour < 13 THEN Map24to12 := Hour ELSE Map24to12 := Hour - 12 END; BEGIN readln; WriteDaysHeader; FOR Hour := FirstHour TO LastHour DO BEGIN write(Map24to12(Hour):2, ':00 '); FOR Day := Sun TO Sat DO write(Schedule[Hour, Day], ' ': TableDayWidth - length(Schedule[Hour, Day])); writeln END END; {**************************************************************** * Peform the total command. * Precondition: The read pointer is followed by an employee * name. * Postcondition: The argument has been read and echoed, and the * read pointer is on the next line. The total scheduled hours * for the employee read has been printed. ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE DoTotal( VAR Schedule: ScheduleType); { The schedule. } VAR Employee: EmployeeType; { To remove. } Day: DayType; { Column scanner. } Hour: integer; { Row scanner. } Total: integer; { Total intgers. } BEGIN { Read the employee. } readln(Employee); { Do the sum. } Total := 0; FOR Day := Sun TO Sat DO FOR Hour := FirstHour TO LastHour DO IF Schedule[Hour, Day] = Employee THEN Total := Total + 1; { Write the total. } writeln('>>> ', Employee, ' is scheduled for ', Total:1, ' hours. <<<<') END; { DoTotal } {***************************************************************** * Main line. *****************************************************************} VAR { The schedule. } Schedule: ScheduleType; { Main loop continue flag. } KeepRunning: boolean; { Command input local to main. } Command: string; BEGIN { Clear the schedule. } SetSchedPart(Schedule, NotScheduled, Sun, Sat, FirstHour, LastHour); { Do the commands. } write('==> '); ReadString(Command); KeepRunning := TRUE; WHILE KeepRunning DO BEGIN IF Command = 'sched' THEN DoSched(Schedule) ELSE IF Command = 'clear' THEN DoClear(Schedule) ELSE IF Command = 'unsched' THEN DoUnsched(Schedule) ELSE IF Command = 'print' THEN DoPrint(Schedule) ELSE IF Command = 'total' THEN DoTotal(Schedule) ELSE IF Command = 'quit' THEN BEGIN writeln; writeln('>>> Program terminating. <<<'); KeepRunning := FALSE END ELSE { Command not recognized. } BEGIN readln; writeln; writeln('*** Command ', Command, ' not recognized. ***'); END; { Go to a new page for next'n. } write('==> '); ReadString(Command) END END.