/* This is Comer's CNAI chatclient.c example ported to use cleansocks. */ #include #include #include #include #include /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Program: chatserver * Purpose: wait for a connection from a chatclient & allow users to chat * Usage: chatserver * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; using namespace cleansocks; static const int BUFFSIZE = 256; static const char *INPUT_PROMPT = "Input > "; static const char *RECEIVED_PROMPT = "Received> "; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " " << endl; exit(1); } /* Create the socket and bind it to a local port at any IP address. */ TCPsocket s; IPport p = atoi(argv[1]); bind(s, IPendpoint(IPaddress::any(), p)); /* Put the socket into listening mode. */ listen(s); /* Wait for a connection on the socket. */ cout << "Chat Server Waiting For Connection." << endl; cleansocks::socket c = accept(s); cout << "Chat Connection Established." << endl; /* Note: The compiler declares the unqualified reference to socket to be ambiguous. I don't know a good way to fix it. */ /* Create a buffered socket for convenience (use of recvln). */ buffered_socket conn(c); /* Iterate, reading from the client and the local user. */ char buff[BUFFSIZE]; int len; while((len = recvln(conn, buff, BUFFSIZE)) > 0) { /* Write the data received. */ cout << RECEIVED_PROMPT; cout.write(buff, len); /* Send a line to the chatclient */ cout << INPUT_PROMPT; string loctext; if(!getline(cin, loctext)) break; loctext += "\n"; send(conn, loctext); } /* Iteration ends when EOF found on stdin or chat connection */ close(c); cout << "\nChat Connection Closed." << endl; }