Go Assignment 4

Your Tree Or Mine


Mar 25
80 pts
Apr 10

Create a Go facility to implement a simple set of integers based on a plain BST. Follow the code layout in the linked list example to create a file which can be compiled together with any main that wants to use it. Your code should provide the following for use by the client:

var is IntSet
This declares is (or any other name) as a set of integers. The name IntSet is required.
Return true if the set is contains i, false if not.
Add the integer i to the set is. Of course, if i is already present, is does not change. The function also should return a boolen value that is true if add changed the set, or false if it did not. (The value returned is the inverse of what contains would have returned before add was called.)
Remove the integer i from the set is if present. Like add, remove returns true if it actually changes the set, and false if it does not.
This method returns type []int, which is a slice that contains the contents of the set, in ascending order.

You may create any number additional methods or functions as helpers, as needed. Implementation using a binary search tree is a requirement. A plain BST that can become unbalanced is quite sufficient. If you just want to do five times the work to create some kind of balanced one, and you can make it work, more power to you.

Here is a trival driver:

package main import "fmt" func main() { var is IntSet is.add(17) is.add(20) fmt.Println(is.contains(10),is.contains(17),is.contains(20), is.contains(25)) fmt.Println(is.contents()) is.remove(20) is.remove(30) fmt.Println(is.contains(10),is.contains(17),is.contains(20), is.contains(25)) fmt.Println(is.contents()) }

It outputs:

false true true false [17 20] false true false false [17]


Create a struct for the tree node, and you probably want IntSet to be a struct also, even if it contains only a single field. Create the other methods in Go style, with a receiver type *IntSet. You might want to create a helper function to search for an item in the tree, which can be used to support several of these methods. You will almost certainly want to use recursion to build contents, since it has to perform a traversal. You will want to allocate an empty slice with new, then use a recursive function to append each item from the tree using an in-order traversal. I did not use recursion elsewhere in my solution, but you are certainly welcome. It's sort of a natural with trees.


When your program works, is well-commented, and nicely indented, submit over the web here.