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FTP Synchroniz

  Code Examples

<<Web Page Parser
use Net::FTP;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

# Variables set in the control file.
#   sync=0|1|fn                 -- Default of the -sync option.
#   host=hostname               -- Host to send to.
#   acct=acctname               -- Account name
#   pwd=password                -- Password to send.
#   cd=initdir                  -- Initial directory.
# The various control options cat be set with lines of the following
# form:
#   name = ...                  Set the value.
#   name += ...                 Add to the value.
# The value is a list of items, "strint" for a literal match, /str/ for a
# pattern match.  The available variables are:
#   send                Matched against local plain files, to transmit.
#   dontsend            Files maching send which should not be sent.
#   preserve            Matched against remote files, and
#                       prevents deletion of remote files not present and sent.
#   descend             Matches local directory names to descend.
#   dontdescend         Local directories matched by descend, which should
#                       not be descended.
#   presdir             Remote directories to preserve, even though not on
#                       the descend list.

# Read the control file.  Info is placed into a hash given as a reference.
# Initial values are preserved for variables not mentioned, and for +=
# assignments.  The option required tells if the control file must exist.
# If required is false, and the file cannot be opened, the function simply
# returns w/o updating the hash.  If required and will not read, the function
# dies.  The contents of hasref define the legal variables, 
#   readctl($conn, fn, required, stringargsref, patargsref)
sub readctl {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my $fn = shift @_;
    my $req = shift @_;
    my $strings = shift @_;
    my $pats = shift @_;

    if(!open(IN, $fn) && $req) {
        &expire($conn, "Cannot read $fn");

    my $ln;
    while($ln = <IN> || shift @_) {
        # Parse the line and make sure the setting is legal.
        chomp $ln;
        $ln or next;
        $ln =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(\=|\+\=)\s*(\S.*)?$/ or
            &expire($conn, "$fn:$.: Cannot parse");
        my ($name, $sym, $data) = ($1, $2, $3);
        exists $strings->{$name} || exists $pats->{$name} or
            &expire($conn, "$fn:$.: Unknown control variable $name.");
        if($sym eq '+=' && !exists $pats->{$name}) {
            &expire($conn, "$fn:$.: Value $name cannot be extended.");

        # Update the hash.
        if(exists $pats->{$name}) {
            # Pattern.
            if($sym eq '=') { $pats->{$name} = ''; }
            while($data) {
                $pats->{$name} .= '|' if($pats->{$name});
                my $p;
                if($data =~ s|^/(.*?[^\\])/\s*||) {
                    # Just add a pattern to the list.
                    $p = $1;
                } elsif($data =~ s|^"(.*?[^\\])"\s*||) {
                    # A string specified.  Make a pattern for exact match.
                    $p = $1;
                    $p =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/\\$1/g;
                    $p = "^($p)\$";
                } else {
                    &expire($conn, "$fn:$.: Bad match item spec.");

                # Check for syntax error in the pattern, then add it
                # to the whole match pattern.
                defined eval("'x' =~ /$p/") or
                    &expire($conn, "$fn:$.: Bad pattern $p");
                $pats->{$name} .= "($p)";
        } else {
            # Just plain value.
            $strings->{$name} = $data;


# Options.
my $norun = 0;
my $rcfile = ".webserver";
my $csync = undef;
GetOptions("n|norun" => \$norun, "r|rmtdir|server=s" => \$rcfile, 
           "s|sync:s" => \$csync);
$rcfile =~ /^\./ or $rcfile = ".$rcfile";

# Read the top-level command file.
my %strings = ( sync => 0, host => 0, acct => 0, pwd => 0, cd => '');
my %pats = ( send => "(\\.html\$)", preserve => "", descend => "(.)", 
             presdir => "", dontsend => "", dontdescend => "" );
readctl(0, $rcfile, 1, \%strings, \%pats, @ARGV);
if(defined $csync) {
    # From command line.
    if($csync eq '') { $csync = 1; }
    $strings{"sync"} = $csync;
if($strings{"sync"} == 1) { $strings{"sync"} == 'syncfile'; }

#foreach my $n(keys %strings) { print "strings{$n} = $strings{$n}\n"; }
#print "\n";
#foreach my $n(keys %pats) { print "pats{$n} = $pats{$n}\n"; }
#print "\n";

# Time offset.
my $syncoff = 0;

# Close and maybe exit.
my $was_err = 0;
sub expire {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my $msg = shift @_;
    my ($fatal) = (@_, 1);

    my $err = '';
    if($conn) {
        $err = $conn->message();
    chomp $err;
    $err =~ s/\.\s*$//;
    $msg =~ s/\!\!/$err/;
    print "$msg.\n";
    if($fatal) {
        $conn->quit() if $conn;
    } else {
        $was_err = 1;

# Read the curr directory on the server, and return a pair of hash references.
# The first is to a hash giving the name and mod date of each ordinary file,
# and the second gives the directories, with value 1.
sub rmt_contents {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my %files = ();
    my %dirs = ();
    my $nttime = '\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d\s+\d\d\:\d\d[AP]M';

    my @names = $conn->dir();
    int($conn->code() / 100) == 2 or 
        expire($conn, "Remote list failed: !!");
    foreach my $l(@names) {
        chomp $l;
        my ($name, $isdir);
        if($l =~ /^[\-d]([\-r][\-w][\-xs]){2}[\-r][\-w][\-xt]\s/) {
            # Smells like Unix (inoring specials, etc.)
            my ($mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $size, $d1, $d2, $d3, $n) =
                split(/\s+/, $l, 9);
            $name = $n;
            $isdir = ($l =~ /^d/);
        } elsif($l =~ /^$nttime\s+(\<(DIR)\>\s+|\d+\s)(.*)$/) {
            # Smells NT
            $name = $3;
            $isdir = ($2 eq 'DIR');
        } else {
            # Can't figure it out, or its the wrong kind of thing.
        if($isdir) {
            next if $name eq '.' || $name eq '..';
            $dirs{"$name"} = 1;
        } else {
            my $time = $conn->mdtm($name);
            $files{"$name"} = $time + $syncoff;
    return (\%files, \%dirs);

# Read the curr local directory, and return a pair of references.
# The first is to a hash giving the name and mod dat of each ordinary file,
# and the second is to an array of directory names in the current directory.
# The function ignores any file starting with ., and obeys the send,
# dontsend, descend and dontdescend patterns.  That means that files which
# don't match send, or do match dontsend, are ignored.  Likewise directories
# not matchind descend or matching dontdescend are not reported.  
sub loc_contents {
    my $conn = shift @_; # Only for aborts.
    my $strref = shift @_;
    my $pref = shift @_;

    my %files = ();
    my %dirs = ();

    opendir(CD, '.') or expire($conn, "Directory open failed: $!");
    while(my $name = readdir(CD))
        next if($name =~ /^\./);
        if(-f $name) {
            if(!$pref->{"send"} || $name !~ /$pref->{"send"}/) { next; }
            if($pref->{"dontsend"} && $name =~ /$pref->{"dontsend"}/) { 
            my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime)
                = stat($name);
            $files{"$name"} = $mtime;
        } elsif(-d $name) {
            if(!$pref->{"descend"} || $name !~ /$pref->{"descend"}/) { 
            if($pref->{"dontdescend"} && 
               $name =~ /$pref->{"dontdescend"}/) { 
            $dirs{"$name"} = 1;
    return (\%files, \%dirs);

# Delete all contents of the current remote directory, with the given name.
sub delrmt {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my $name = shift @_;

    # Get the contents.
    my ($files, $dirs) = rmt_contents($conn);

    # Get rid of the files.
    foreach my $fi(keys %$files) {
        print "Deleting $name$fi.\n";
        if(!$norun) {
            $conn->delete($fi) or
                expire($conn, "Delete $name$fi failed: !!", 0);

    # Get rid of the directories.
    foreach my $d(keys %$dirs) {
        $conn->cwd($d) or expire($conn, "cd $name$d failed: !!");
        delrmt($conn, "$name$d/");
        $conn->cdup() or expire($conn, "cd up failed: !!");
        print "Removing directory $name$d.\n";
        if(!$norun) {
            $conn->rmdir($d) or expire($conn, "rmdir $name$d failed: !!", 0);

# Synchronize.
sub sync {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my $name = shift @_;
    my $fn = shift @_;
    my $strings = shift @_;
    my $pats = shift @_;

    # Get the contents.
    my ($rfiles, $rdirs) = rmt_contents($conn);
    my ($lfiles, $ldirs) = loc_contents($conn,$strings,$pats);

    #print "FRED $name:\n"; prfl($lfiles);
    #print "\n";
    #print "\n";

    # Go through the local files and put what needs putting.
    foreach my $lf(keys %$lfiles) {
        # See if it must be sent.
        if(!exists $rfiles->{$lf} || $rfiles->{$lf} < $lfiles->{$lf}) {
            # Old or missing....
            print "Sending $name$lf\n";
            if(!$norun) {
                if(!-r $lf) {
                    expire($conn, "File $lf is not readable", 0);
                } else {
                    $conn->put($lf) or
                        expire($conn, "Put $name$lf failed: !!", 0);
        delete $rfiles->{$lf};

    # If there are any remote files left, delete them.
    foreach my $rf(keys %$rfiles) {
        next if ($pats->{"preserve"} && ($rf =~ /$pats->{"preserve"}/));
        print "Deleting $name$rf.\n";
        if(!$norun) {
            $conn->delete($rf) or 
                expire($conn, "Delete $name$rf failed: !!", 0);

    # Recur on the local directory names.
    foreach my $ld(keys %$ldirs) {
        # Create if needed.
        if(!$rdirs->{$ld}) {
            print "Creating $name$ld\n";
            if($norun) {
                print "Sending $name$ld subtree.\n";
            } else {
                if(!$conn->mkdir($ld)) {
                    expire($conn, "Create $name$ld failed: !!", 0); 

        # Perform the recursion.
        $conn->cwd($ld) or expire($conn, "cd $name$ld failed: !!");
        chdir($ld) or expire($conn, "local cd $ld failed: $!");
        if(-r $fn) {
            my %nstrings = %$strings;
            my %npats = %$pats;
            readctl($conn, $fn, 0, \%nstrings, \%npats);
            sync($conn, "$name$ld/", $fn, \%nstrings, \%npats);
        } else {
            sync($conn, "$name$ld/", $fn, $strings, $pats);
        $conn->cdup() or expire($conn, "cd up failed: !!");
        chdir('..') or expire($conn, "local cd .. failed: $!");

        delete $rdirs->{$ld};

    # Wipe remotes not matched locally.
    foreach my $rd(keys %$rdirs) {
        next if($pats->{"presdir"} && ($rd =~ /$pats->{"presdir"}/));
        $conn->cwd($rd) or expire($conn, "cd $name$rd failed: !!");
        delrmt($conn, "$name$rd/");
        $conn->cdup() or expire($conn, "cd up failed: !!");
        print "Removing directory $name$rd.\n";
        if(!$norun) {
            $conn->rmdir($rd) or 
                expire($conn, "Removal of $name$rd failed: !!", 0);

# Print the file times map.
sub prfl {
    my $hr = shift @_;

    foreach my $k(sort keys %$hr) {
        my $mod = localtime($hr->{$k});
        print "$k->$mod\n";

# Synchronize clocks.
sub clocksync {
    my $conn = shift @_;
    my $fn = shift @_;

    if(! -f $fn) {
        open(SF, ">$fn") or 
            expire($conn, "Cannot create $fn for time sync option");
    -z $fn or
        expire($conn, "File $fn for time sync must be empty.");

    $conn->put($fn) or 
        expire($conn, "$fn send failed: !!");

    my $now_here = time();
    my $now_there = $conn->mdtm($fn) or
        expire($conn, "Cannot get $fn write time");

    #print "FRED: $now_here $now_there\n";
    #print "FRED: ", localtime($now_here), " ", localtime($now_there), "\n";

    $syncoff = $now_here - $now_there;
    $syncoff -= 5; # Be a bit conservative.

    #print "A: [$now_here] [$now_there] [$syncoff]\n";

    my $hrs = int($syncoff/3600);
    my $mins = int($syncoff/60) - $hrs*60;
    my $secs = $syncoff - $hrs*3600 - $mins*60;
    printf("Clock sync offset: %d:%02d:%02d\n", $hrs, $mins, $secs);

# Check for login info.
$strings{"host"} && $strings{"acct"} && $strings{"pwd"} or
    die "Hostname, account name, and password must be specified.\n";

# Do the communications.
my $conn = Net::FTP->new($strings{"host"}, Passive => 1) or
    die "Connect: $@\n";
$conn->login($strings{"acct"}, $strings{"pwd"}) or
    expire($conn, "Login as $strings{'acct'} failed: !!");
if($strings{"cd"}) {
    $conn->cwd($strings{"cd"}) or
        expire($conn, "Initial directory change failed: !!");
$conn->binary() or
    expire($conn, "Binary mode failed: !!");

# Optional clock synchronization step.
if($strings{"sync"}) { clocksync($conn, $strings{"sync"}); }

#my ($a, $b) = rmt_contents($conn);
#print "files:\n";
#print "dirs:\n";

# Now the real work.
sync($conn, '', $rcfile, \%strings, \%pats);


exit $was_err;
<<Web Page Parser