# One more approach is to use the array/hash conversion rules to
# build keyword parameters, with defaults.
use strict;
# Print a string one or more times under all sorts of controls.
sub barko {
# Check for correct pairing.
@_ % 2 == 0 or
die "barko: Odd number of arguments.\n";
# Store the parms, with defaults.
my %parms = ( 'string' => 'snake', # String to print
'between' => '', # Place between chars.
'repeat' => 1, # Repeat this many times.
'cascade' => 0, # Move each line right this much more.
'blankafter' => 1, # Extra blank line afterwards.
# Now %parms is a list of keyword => value pairs as sent, using
# defaults for keys not sent.
# Add the between to the string.
my $str = substr($parms{'string'}, 1);
$str =~ s/(.)/$parms{'between'}$1/g;
$str = substr($parms{'string'}, 0, 1) . $str;
# Printin' time!
my $preamt = 0;
for(my $n = $parms{'repeat'}; $n--; ) {
print ((' ' x $preamt), "$str\n");
$preamt += $parms{'cascade'};
print "\n" if $parms{'blankafter'};
# Call with various options. These can be sent in any order.
barko(repeat => 3, string => 'BOZON', cascade => 1);
barko(between => ' ');
barko(between => '<->', repeat => 5);
barko(string => '** done **', blankafter => 0);