Canvas With Events
# This shows the canvas widget, and a few other random things worth having a
# look at.
from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import *
import random
import sys
main = Tk()
# Create the canvase.
cwid = 300
cheight = 300
canvas = Canvas(main, width=cwid, height=cheight, bg='blue')
# Simple actions.
def oval_act(ev):
showerror(main, "Don't click on the oval.")
#showerror(main, "You're in the oval, at " + str(ev.x) + " " + str(ev.y))
colors = [ 'red', 'green', 'yellow', '#9977FF', '#225555' ]
def rect_act(obj):
global colors
c = colors.pop()
colors = [c] + colors
canvas.itemconfigure(rect, fill=c)
# Draw some shapes and bind them to button events.
oval = canvas.create_oval(10, 30, 150, 100, fill='white')
canvas.tag_bind(oval, '<Button-1>', oval_act)
rect = canvas.create_rectangle(100, 130, 250, 250, fill='red')
canvas.tag_bind(rect, '<Button-1>', rect_act)
coords = canvas.create_text(160, 50, anchor='nw', text='')
# Make the oval update the mouse position.
def disp(ev):
canvas.itemconfigure(coords, text = "%d,%d" % (ev.x, ev.y))
def undisp(ev):
canvas.itemconfigure(coords, text = "")
canvas.tag_bind(oval, '<Enter>', disp)
canvas.tag_bind(oval, '<Motion>', disp)
canvas.tag_bind(oval, '<Leave>', undisp)
# Exit button
exbut = Button(main, text='Exit', command=sys.exit)
# Randomly moving dot.
dot = False
def redot():
global dot
if dot: canvas.delete(dot)
dotx = random.randrange(0,cwid-10)
doty = random.randrange(0,cwid-10)
dot = canvas.create_oval(dotx, doty, dotx+10, doty+10, fill='#9999FF')