CSc 220 Assignment 6

Put It Together


Apr 15
40 pts
May 1

For this assignment, you are to create two template classes, rpt_queue and its inverse expand_queue. The rpt_queue class behaves somewhat like an ordinary queue, except that it groups matching items together. It allows you to push single items like a normal queue, but when you pop you get an item and a repeat count. When you push the same item three times in a row, pop gives you the item once with a repeat count of three. The expand_queue is the inverse. Its push takes an item and a count, and its pop will deliver the item the indicated number of times

The Repeating Queue

The rpt_queue template class takes a single typename template parameter giving the type of object contained in the queue. An object q of type rpt_queue<T> has the following interface:
q.push(const T &item)
Push a copy of item onto the queue.
q.pop(T &item)
Pop an item from the stack. If no item is available, the method returns zero and does nothing else. If some item is available, pop stores a copy in the parameter item, and returns a positive count of consecutive items of this value. Note that there is no such thing as an empty group: if there is something in the list, the method returns a group with more than one item; if the queue is empty there is no group to produce and the method returns 0.
q.empty() const
Returns true if q is empty, false otherwise.
For instance,
rpt_queue<int> q; q.push(10); q.push(10); q.push(3); q.push(18); q.push(18); q.push(18); q.push(10);
creates a queue which can be successfully popped four times. The first pop returns 2 and stores 10 into the parameter item; the second pop returns 1 and stores 3 into the parameter item. The third gives 3 and 18, and the fourth 1 and 10. The fifth (and any more absent another push) gives 0 and does not store anything in its parameter.

The Expanding Queue

The expand_queue template class takes a single typename template parameter giving the type of object contained in the queue. An object q of type expand_queue<T> has the following interface:
q.push(int count, const T &item)
For positive count, this pushes count repetitions of value item. For zero or negative count, nothing is pushed; a push with a zero count does exactly nothing.
q.pop(T &item)
Pop an item from the stack. If no item is available, the method returns false and does nothing else. If some item is available, pop stores a copy in the parameter item removing it from q, and returns true. Item will be returned for count successive pop calls, where count is the parameter used when item was pushed.
q.empty() const
Returns true if q is empty, false otherwise.
For instance,
expand_queue<int> q; q.push(3,10); q.push(2,18); q.push(0,5); q.push(1,1);
creates a queue that can be successfully popped 6 times, giving 10, 10, 10, 18, 18, and 1. The seventh and successive pops return false and store nothing in parameter item.


Both of the classes are templates, so they should be placed entirely in a .h file; don't create a .cpp file. Put both in the same .h file, which you may name as you like. The examples given here assume the name rtpq.h, but this is not a requirement.

Do use the #ifndef/#define/#endif pattern as described earlier in your .h file to avoid multiple declaration errors at compile time.


You should hold your data in some private list or vector. There are basically two approaches:
  1. Your list or vector can simply hold one copy of each item in the queue
  2. Your list or vector can hold a list of pairs containing an item and its count.
For option 1, you will simply have a private list or vector of T to hold your data. For 2, you can either create a small (template) class holding an integer and a T, or by using std::pair. (This is the same thing std::map contains, with fields first and second.)

Option 1 may be simpler to understand, but it take more space and each class will require a loop, in rpt_queue<T>::pop and expand_queue<T>::push. Option 2 allows the classes to be written without loops.


When your program works, is well-commented, and nicely indented, submit over the web here.