The C++ exception system is similar to Java's, especially in syntax. Exceptions in a try block are caught by the associated catch blocks. Some differences from Java:
  1. C++ uses exceptions much more sparingly than Java. The standard libraries are in rather less of a hurry to throw them.
  2. The C++ standard libraries throw types derived from std::exception.
  3. Most standard exceptions you will actually encounter are derived from std::logic_error or std::runtime_error.
  4. Throwing a new object Java-style pretty much never makes sense. In C++,
    throw runtime_error("Something Went Wrong");
    not the Java-style
    throw new RuntimeException("This Was Not Supposed To Happen");
  5. Catching is usually by reference.
    catch(exception &e);
  6. Exceptions do not convert to string, but the standard ones have a what() method instead.

While the standard libraries throw only classes derived from std::exception, the language allows the throwing of any type at all. This is not a very useful feature, and we will not explore it.

Plain C does not support exceptions.

Textbook: Chapter 13. The program on p. 495 said to “prevent” the throwing of exceptions simply uses some code introduced previously which checks the input values so that the exception is not raised. The text does discuss throwing of non-exception types if you are interested.

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