This is just an example of an assembly program. It
reads integers until -1 and prints the sum. This is a
program for 64-bit PC architecture. It does not (directly)
execute system calls to perform I/O, but uses the
plain C I/O libraries, which does those for us.
The Pentium has all sorts of strange register names for
historical reasons. Some actually name parts of larger
;;; Read integers and take their sum. I/O is performed by calling the
;;; standard C library
global _start
extern printf
extern scanf
extern exit
;;; Text section means code. Variables go in the .data section. Sections
;;; are in different places, and the assembler adds the declarations to the
;;; end of the current section.
section .text
;; Print the initial instructions.
mov rdi, inmsg
call printf
;; We'll keep the sum in r12, which under the register protocol
;; functions should preserve.
mov r12,0
;; Read the value.
mov rdi, prompt
call req
;; See if the entered value is -1, and if so print and end.
;; The %d of printf and scanf uses 32-bit values. Using
;; eax here refers to the low 32 bits of rax excludes the
;; extra bits from the comparison.
cmp eax,-1
je done
;; Add to the sum
add r12,rax
;; Next number.
jmp nextno
;; Print the result.
mov rdi,ansmsg
mov rsi,r12
call printf
;; We're done.
mov rdi, 0
call exit
section .data
inmsg: db 'Enter numbers to sum, end with -1.',10,0
prompt: db '>',0
ansmsg: db 'The result is %d',10,0
;;; Request and return an integer. Argument is a prompt string. Performs
;;; a 32-bit read using scanf %d.
section .text
req: sub rsp,8 ; Put room on the stack for the result
;; Make the prompt. Move our argument to second argument, then
;; insert the "%s: " string for printf and call it.
mov rsi,rdi
mov rdi,prfmt
call printf
;; Read the value using scanf. Scanf takes a pointer (sent as
;; the second parameter is rsi, which is a copy of the stack
;; pointer), and puts the value there. Then we pop it into rax
;; which is where return values go.
mov rdi,rdfmt
mov rsi,rsp ; Address of the temp variable on the stack.
call scanf
pop rax ; Pop the read value into the return reg.
;; Done.
section .data
prfmt: db '%s ',0 ; Printf format for printing the promt.
rdfmt: db '%d',0 ; Scanf format for reading an integer value.