# This creates a simple animation of five balls bouncing around inside a
# rectagle. Balls bounce off the sides, but pass through each other. Nothing
# fancy.
# Import the library.
require 'tk'
# Dot diameter.
Diameter = 10
# Update rate (ms).
Frequency = 25
# Canvas size.
Width = 400
Height = 300
# Set defaults. Some we keep in constants to use later.
BG = '#ccccff'
TkOption.add('*background', BG)
# Root window.
root = TkRoot.new('background' => BG) { title 'Bouncy, Bouncy' }
# Canvas.
c = TkCanvas.new(root) {
width Width
height Height
pack('fill' => 'both')
# This is the circle that wanders around the canvas.
class MovingCircle < TkcOval
# Create with a moving circle on the canvas c with indicated color.
def initialize(c, color)
# Remember the canvas.
@canv = c
# Choose an initial location at random and create the object there.
@xpos = rand(Width - Diameter)
@ypos = rand(Height - Diameter)
super(c, @xpos, @ypos, @xpos + Diameter, @ypos + Diameter, 'fill' => color)
# Chose a velocity at random. 1 to 3 pixels per Frequency in each
# dimension.
@delx = (rand(3)+1)*(if rand(2) == 1 then 1 else -1 end)
@dely = (rand(3)+1)*(if rand(2) == 1 then 1 else -1 end)
# Start moving
Tk.after(Frequency, proc { self.move } )
# This adjusts a single dimension by one step, taking account of the
# walls. Send a position, increment, and limit, and get back a new pos
# and new increment (which might have its sign changed).
def del(pos, inc, limit)
# Move
pos += inc
# See if we hit the top or left, and reverse.
if pos < 0 then
pos = -pos
inc = -inc
# Likewise check for hitting the right or bottom
elsif pos > limit - Diameter then
pos = (limit - Diameter) - (pos - (limit - Diameter))
inc = -inc
# Send back the results.
return pos, inc
# Move one step, then schedule the next move.
def move
# Remember current position, and compute the new one.
oldx, oldy = @xpos, @ypos
@xpos, @delx = del(@xpos, @delx, Width)
@ypos, @dely = del(@ypos, @dely, Height)
# Tell Tk about it.
@canv.move(self, @xpos - oldx, @ypos - oldy)
Tk.after(Frequency, proc { self.move } )
# Make several balls of different color.
for color in [ '#FF9999', '#99FFFF', '#005588', '#992211', '#FF0055' ]
MovingCircle.new(c, color)