# This shows a potential problem in providing button actions. The code blocks
# are run in the context of the caller, but not until the button is pressed.
# Therefore variable values are current as of the button press. This is not
# always what you want.
require 'tk'
# Root window
root = TkRoot.new
# Three buttons created in a loop, numbering from 1 to 3.
bnum = 1
for fred in [ 17, 348, -48 ]
TkButton.new(root) {
text "Button " + bnum.to_s
command proc { print "Button ", bnum, ", fred = ", fred, "\n" }
grid('column' => 0, 'row' => bnum-1, 'sticky' => 'news')
bnum += 1
# This holds and prints two values. The parms are evaluated when the
# object is created, so we get the right values. The button command
# will use any object which understands the call method.
class Printer
def initialize(num, fred)
@num = num
@fred = fred
def call
print "Button ", @num, ", fred = ", @fred, "\n"
# Three more buttons, but this time they use the Printer class and work
# correctly.
for fred in [ 'Dogbert', 97, 111 ]
TkButton.new(root) {
text "Button " + bnum.to_s
command Printer.new(bnum, fred)
grid('column' => 1, 'row' => bnum-4, 'sticky' => 'news')
bnum += 1
# This is a more generic solution
class Runner
# Set a proc and some args.
def initialize(method, *args)
@method = method
@args = args
# Run it with the args.
def call
# Three more, but this time they work correctly.
for fred in [ 86, 12, 123 ]
TkButton.new(root) {
text "Button " + bnum.to_s
command Runner.new(proc { |n, f|
print "Button ", n, ", fred = ", f, "\n" },
bnum, fred)
grid('column' => 2, 'row' => bnum-7, 'sticky' => 'news')
bnum += 1
# These are sort of button-like, but use binding.
lnum = 1
for fred in [ 2973, 'Nosebleed', 349 ]
b = TkLabel.new(root) {
text "Label " + lnum.to_s
grid('column' => 3, 'row' => lnum-1, 'sticky' => 'news')
relief 'raised'
background '#999999'
padx 10
proc { print "Label ", lnum, ", fred = ", fred, "\n" })
lnum += 1
# This shows a nice feature of bind which allows extra parameters to be
# sent in.
for fred in [ 98733, 128, 'Norbert' ]
b = TkLabel.new(root) {
text "Label " + lnum.to_s
grid('column' => 4, 'row' => lnum-4, 'sticky' => 'news')
relief 'raised'
background '#999999'
padx 10
proc { | n, f | print "Label ", n, ", fred = ", f, "\n" }, lnum, fred)
lnum += 1