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Right-Left Hex to Binary
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Here are several example conversions from decimal to hexadecimal using the right-to-left method. In each case, we repeatedly divide the number by the base (16), taking the sequence of remainders as the result. The first remainder generated is the lowest hex digit.
198710 = 7c316:
0 R7
167 R12
16124 R3
8610 = 5616:
0 R5
165 R6
116810 = 49016:
0 R4
164 R9
1673 R0
843510 = 20f316:
0 R2
162 R0
1632 R15
16527 R3
652310 = 197b16:
0 R1
161 R9
1625 R7
16407 R11
3998110 = 9c2d16:
0 R9
169 R12
16156 R2
162498 R13