TCP Sockets
Cleansocks provides objects and methods to support IP version 4 (no version 6 just now). Include cleanip.h to get them.
TCPsocket ts;
UDPsocket us;
These declare objects representing sockets that use the TCP and UDP protocols, respectively. They are derived from the socket class, so the socket operations described there can be applied to them.
IPaddress a;
IPaddress b("w.x.y.z");
IPaddress c(in_addr_t v););
These declare an IP v. 4 address object. The value can be given as a string in dotted decimal notation or from a 32-bit integer. (The type in_addr_t is an alias for a 32-bit unsigned integer.) The default constructor produces an invalid address, but you may want to use it to declare a variable which you can assign later. Use lookup_host (below) to get an address from a host name. This succeeds or throws an exception.
c.set(in_addr_t v);
The set method changes which address the IPaddress holds. Plain old assignment works fine in the second case.
in_addr_t v = c.get();
And you can extract the numeric address as well.
string s = a.str();
This will return a string representation of the address in the conventional dotted decimal form.
IPport p;
IPport q(uint16_t v);
This class represents an IP port number. It may be constructed by by specifying the number, or by default to assign later. Use lookup_service (see below) to look up a port number by its service name.
uint16_t v = q.get();
And you can get your number back.
string s = p.str();
This will return a string representation of the port, as a decimal number.
IPendpoint e(const IPaddress &a, const IPport &p);
This is the IP derivative of an endpoint, built from an IP address and a port number.
IPaddress a = e.addr();
IPport p = e.port();
Extractors for the parts that comprise an endpoint.
string s = e.str();
This will return a string representation of the endpoint as the IP address in dotted decimal form, followed by the port number, separated by a colon.
IPaddress a = lookup_host(string hn);
The lookup_host method takes a host name or a string representation of an address, and returns its IP address. It will succeed or throw an exception.
IPport a = lookup_service(string hn);
The lookup_service method takes the name of a standard service and looks up the standard port number. For instance, if you look up http you will get port 80.
This is the so-called wild-card address. It is used to build an IPendpoint that represents a specified port at any address. This is used so that a server can bind to a port on any local address.

IPaddress, IPport and IPendpoint objects may also be printed to output streams, though stream input is not defined. Printed values match the returns from the object's str() method.

Byte Order

Modern computer systems use byte-addressable memory, just meaning that each byte of storage has its own memory address. This means that any value larger than one byte, such as an integer, is actually stored across several consecutive memory addresses. This seems simple enough, but it's not. You can arrange the bytes among those addresses in different orders. This matters for networking because data is sent on a network by copying bytes from memory onto the network connection, and placing them into memory at the other end in the order they emerge from the connection. This should create no problem when sending character data, but when sending, for instance, an integer, if the two ends store integer data in different orders, the transmitted value will be misinterpreted at the receiver. To deal with this, the Internet specifies an order for data to be transmitted (creatively: “network byte order.”) Since particular platforms (notably Pentium) do not use network byte order for numeric data, endpoints must convert numbers to network order before sending, and convert to host order when receiving.

Of particular interest are IP address and port numbers which must be expressed in network order. Cleansocks generally hides this detail from you. When you store a numeric IP or port number in the relevant Cleansocks object, they just take care of things. When all the application data is text, such as transmitting web pages using HTTP, you don't have to give a thought to byte order. But Cleansocks can't keep the cruel world out forever. If have a protocol where the payloads contain numeric data, including IP addresses or ports, the programmer must deal with it. Here are some tools.

First, the basic conversions from the standard socket interface are available as usual:

uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
These function stand, respectively, for Host To Net Long, Host To Net Short, Net To Host Long and Net To Host Short. Long means 32 bits and short means 16. They simply convert a number between network and host order. They are installed according to whatever host you are running on, so if your platform already uses network order, each of these functions simply returns its argument. For others (including most PC's), it does the needed conversion. Use the call whenever appropriate, and you won't need to worry which your platform is, or change you code if it is compiled elsewhere.

Cleansocks objects also have some useful support calls. Below, a is an IPaddress, and p is an IPport.

IPaddress a(uint8_t w, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t z);
a.set(uint8_t w, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t z);
These allow an address to be created from individual bytes, most significant to least. n)
in_addr_t n = n)
uint16_t n =
These calls get or set an address or port value in network order, regardless of the host order. For instance, p.set(x) is equivalent to