Go Assignment 5

General Set


Apr 16
60 pts
May 4

This assignment has two parts.

Part One

First, create a Go package named genset to implement a generalized set based on a plain BST. It will be a set of elements which implement an interface Comparable which must look exactly like this:

type Comparable interface { Cmp(Comparable) int }
As you see, it contains a single method which compares it to another Comparable method. Much like the Java CompareTo method, it must return a negative number if the containing object is less than the the parameter, zero if they are equal, or a positive number if greater. Much of the code is similar to the assignment 4 solution, and you are free to adapt your own solution or either posted key.

The interface is similar, with different naming:

import "packs/genset"
The package must be imported. The package name should be genset, but the path might differ depending on what you can talk Go into.
This is the above interface, which must be part of the package. User code must create some type which implements it to use the set.
var gs genset.GenSet
This declares gs (or any other name) as a set of Comparable. The name GenSet is required.
Return true if the set gs contains g, false if not.
Add the Comparable g to the set gs. Of course, if g is already present, gs does not change. The function also should return a boolen value that is true if add changed the set, or false if it did not. (The value returned is the inverse of what contains would have returned before add was called.)
Remove the Comparable g from the set gs if present. Like add, remove returns true if it actually changes the set, and false if it does not.
This method returns type []Comparable, which is a slice that contains the contents of the set, in ascending order.

You may create any number of additional methods or functions as helpers, as needed. Helper functions should be named starting with lower-case so they are effectively private. Implementation using a binary search tree is a requirement. A plain BST that can become unbalanced is quite sufficient. If you just want to do five times the work to create some kind of balanced one, and you can make it work, more power to you.

Here is a trival driver:

package main import ( "fmt" "packs/genset" ) type Int struct { val int } // This cmp function will allow int to satisfy the Comparable interface, // but it will panic if you try to compare an int with something else. func (x Int) Cmp(c genset.Comparable) int { return x.val - c.(Int).val } func main() { var gs genset.GenSet; gs.Add(Int{17}) fmt.Println(gs.Contains(Int{17}),gs.Contains(Int{19}),gs.Contents()) }

It outputs:

true false [{17}]

Part Two

The second thing is to create a small driver which can use the package, and creates a set containing both integers and strings. This requires creating two classes that each implement Comparable, each having cmp methods which can compare to other objects of the same type, or to the other type. When the objects are the same type, they should compare in the normal way. When they are different types, strings should always be smaller than integers. That way, any two objects can be ordered. Each of your cmp methods will probably want to use a type switch. Your program doesn't need to do much but compile, create a stack with at least three integers and three strings at the same time, and print the contents. Doing more is fine.


When your program works, is well-commented, and nicely indented, submit over the web here.