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FTP Download GUI

  Code Examples

<<TK Color Buttons II Email Address Client>>
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Net::FTP;

# Colors
my @PBG = (-background => '#E6E6FA');
my @ABG = (-activebackground => '#FFE6FA');
my @PFG = (-foreground => '#0000ff');
my @AFG = (-activeforeground => '#0000ff');
my @PCL = (@PBG, @PFG);
my @BG = (@PBG, @ABG);
my @FG = (@PFG, @AFG);
my @CL = (@BG, @FG);

# Description (font and color) of a title.
my @titdesc = (-font => ['Arial', 16, 'bold'], -foreground => '#228800');

my $main = new MainWindow(@PCL);
$main->title("FTP Download");

# Login information.
my ($host, $acct, $password);

# FTP connection.
my $conn;

# Boom msg.
sub ebox {
    my $msg = shift @_;
    $msg = $msg->message() if ref $msg;

    $main->messageBox(-type => 'OK', -icon => 'error', -message => $msg);

# Generate s label/entry pair for the login window.  These will be 
# appropriately gridded on row $row inside $par.  Text box has width
# $width and places its contents into the reference $ref.  If $ispwd,
# treat it as a password entry box.
sub genpair {
    my ($par, $row, $text, $ref, $width, $ispwd) = @_;

    my $tbut = $par->Label( -text => $text, @PCL);
    my $lab = $par->Entry(-background => 'white', 
                          # -activebackground => 'white',
                          -foreground => 'black', 
                          #-activeforeground => 'black',
                          -textvariable => $ref,
                          -width => $width);
    $lab->configure(-show => '*') if $ispwd;
    $tbut->grid(-row => $row, -column => 0, -sticky => 'nse');
    $lab->grid(-row => $row, -column => 1, -sticky => 'nsw');

# Terminate pgm.
sub term {
    $conn->quit if $conn;
    exit 0;

# Build the login window.
sub logscreen {
    my $parent = shift @_;

    my $row = 0;

    my $toplab = $parent->Label(-text => "FTP Server Login",
                                -justify => 'center',
                                @titdesc, @PBG);
    $toplab->grid(-row => $row++, -column => 0, 
                  -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'news');
    genpair($parent, $row++, 'Host:', \$host, 25);
    my $bframe = $parent->Frame();
    $bframe->grid(-row => $row++, -column => 0, 
                  -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'news');
    my $go = $bframe->Button(-text => 'Anon. Login', 
                             -command => [ \&do_login, 0, $parent, 1 ], 
    $go->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'left', -fill => 'both');
    my $go = $bframe->Button(-text => 'User Login', 
                             -command => [ \&do_login, 0, $parent, 2 ], 
    $go->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'left', -fill => 'both');

    genpair($parent, $row++, 'Login:', \$acct, 15);
    genpair($parent, $row++, 'Password:', \$password, 15, 1);

    my $stop = $parent->Button(-text => 'Exit', 
                               -command => \&term , @CL);
    $stop->grid(-row => $row++, -column => 0, -columnspan => 2, 
                -sticky => 'news');

    # CR same as pushing login.
    $parent->bind('<KeyPress-Return>', [ \&do_login, $parent, 3 ] );

# Log into the remote host.  If successful, start the directory loader.
# Modes are: 1: Anonymous, 2: User, 3: Return, which does anon if the
# user infor was not filled in, and user otw.
sub do_login {
    my ($discard, $par, $mode) = @_;

    # Adjust user data by mode.
    if($mode == 1 || ($mode == 3 && !$acct && !$password)) {
        $acct = 'anonymous';
        $password = 'anonymous' unless $password;

    # Make sure we're all filled in.
    if(!$host || !$acct || !$password) {
        ebox("You must provide a host, user name and password.");

    # Attempt to connect to the remote host.
    $conn = Net::FTP->new($host, Passive => 1, -debug => 1);
    if(!defined $conn) {
        ebox("FTP Connection to $host failed ($!).");

    # Try the login.
    if(!$conn->login($acct, $password)) {




# Create the main list box with scrollbar.
my $listarea;   # Where stuff goes.
my $statuslab;  # Status information is posted here.
sub main_list {
    my $par = shift @_;

    # Label at top.
    my $toplab = $par->Label(-text => "FTP Download Agent",
                             -justify => 'center', @titdesc, @PBG);
    $toplab->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    # Status label.
    $statuslab = $par->Label(-text => "Not Logged In",
                             -justify => 'center', @PCL);
    $statuslab->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    # Exit button
    my $exbut = $par->Button(-text => "Exit", -command => \&term, @CL);
    $exbut->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');

    # List area with scroll bar.  The list area is disabled since we
    # don't want the user to type into it.
    $listarea = $par->Text(-height => 10, -width => 40, 
                           -cursor => 'sb_left_arrow',
                           -state => 'disabled', @PCL);
    my $scr = $par->Scrollbar(-command => [ $listarea => 'yview' ], @PBG);
    $listarea->configure(-yscrollcommand => [ $scr => 'set' ]);
    $scr->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
    $listarea->pack(-side => 'left');

    # Bind the system exit button to our exit.
    $main->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', \&term);

# Change the color of a tag for entering and leaving.  Unfortunately, there
# is no active color for tags in a text box.
sub recolor {
    my ($tw, $tag, $color) = @_;
    $tw->tagConfigure($tag, -foreground => $color);
    #print "FRED: $tw $tag $color\n";

# Do a CD and load the contents.  If there is no directory name, skip
# the CD.
sub load_dir
    my ($wid, $dir) = @_;

    #print "load_dir($dir)\n";

    # Change directory.
    if(@_) {
        if(!$conn->cwd($dir)) {
        $statuslab->configure(-text => "[Loading $dir]");
    } else {
        $statuslab->configure(-text => '[Loading Home Dir]');

    # Get the list of files.
    my @names = $conn->dir();
    if(!$conn->ok()) {

    my @files = ();
    my @dirs = ();
    my $sawdots = 0;
    while(my $n = shift @names) {
        # Split the lines (assume Unix format)
        chomp $n;

        # Real lines start with the perm bits.  And we don't want specials.
        next if $n !~ /^[\-d]([r\-][w\-][x\-]){3}/;

        # Extract the useful parts, toss the bones.
        my @parts = split(/\s+/, $n, 9);
        next if @parts < 9;
        my $fn = pop @parts;
        $sawdots = 1 if $fn eq '..';
        my $modes = shift @parts;
        if($modes =~ /^d/) {
            push @dirs, $fn;
        } else {
            push @files, $fn;

    # Add .. if not present, then sort the list.
    push @dirs, '..' unless $sawdots;
    @files = sort @files;
    @dirs = sort @dirs;

    # Fill in the text box.  We also bind lots of events to the file names
    # to make stuff happen when we move the mouse around.
    $listarea->configure(-state => 'normal');
    my $ct = 0;
    while(my $f = shift @dirs) {
        #print "Inserting dir: [$f]\n";
        $listarea->insert('end', "$f\n", "fn$ct");
        $listarea->tagConfigure("fn$ct", -foreground => '#4444ff');
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Button-1>', [ \&load_dir, $f ]);
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Enter>', 
                           [ \&recolor, "fn$ct", '#000088' ]);
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Leave>', 
                           [ \&recolor, "fn$ct", '#4444ff' ]);

    while(my $f = shift @files) {
        #print "Inserting file: [$f]\n";
        $listarea->insert('end', "$f\n", "fn$ct");
        $listarea->tagConfigure("fn$ct", -foreground => 'red');
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Button-1>', [ \&dld_file, $f ]);
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Enter>', 
                           [ \&recolor, "fn$ct", '#880000' ]);
        $listarea->tagBind("fn$ct", '<Leave>', [ \&recolor, "fn$ct", 'red' ]);
    $listarea->configure(-state => 'disabled');

    # Update the status label.
    my $loc = $conn->pwd();
    if(!$loc) {
        $statuslab->configure(-text => '???');
    } else {
        $statuslab->configure(-text => $loc);

# Downoad the file.
sub dld_file
    my ($wid, $fn) = @_;

    # Announce.
    $statuslab->configure(-text => "[Retrieving $fn]");

    # Get the file.
    if(!$conn->get($fn)) {

    $statuslab->configure(-text => "Got $fn");


# Create the main list with the list of files.

# Demand a login.
my $logwin = $main->Toplevel(@PCL);
$logwin->title("FTP Login");


This provides a small GUI FTP download agent. It uses the Net::FTP module to perform the FTP operations, and Tk to build the GUI.

The GUI makes use of the Text widget, one of the most flexible in the Tk set. Text widgets allow the creation of tags, which are simply arbitrary sequences of characters inside the text widget. Tags are named when they are created, and that name can be used to manipulate that portion of the text. In this program, the manipulations are color changes, and the binding of function calls to mouse clicks within the tagged region.
<<TK Color Buttons II Email Address Client>>