use LWP;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
# Print found names
sub prname {
my ($hname, $dept, $email, $page) = @_;
foreach $part ($hname, $dept, $email, $page) {
$part =~ s/\ / /g;
$part =~ s/^\s*//;
$part =~ s/\s*$//;
# Some don't seem to have an entry for Department. If this is all
# blanks, the field will simply be missing. Try to detect and
# repair this situation.
if($email !~ /\@/ && $dept =~ /\@/) {
($dept, $email, $page) = ("[None]", $dept, $email);
# print "[$hname] [$dept] [$email] [$page]\n";
$page =~ s/.+/ [has page]/;
if($dept ne "[None]" && $dept ne "Student") { $dept = "fac/staff"; }
printf "%-20s %-18s %-10s%s\n", $hname, $email, $dept, $page;
# $0 [ -m ] lastname firstname
$domail = 0;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-m") { $domail++; shift @ARGV; }
$lname = $fname = "";
$lname = shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
$fname = shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
#$resp = $ua->request(POST 'http://www.mc.edu/servlets/EmailSearch',
$resp = $ua->request(POST 'http://www.mc.edu/base/EmailSearch',
[ 'first_name' => $fname, 'last_name' => $lname,
'submit' => "Search" ]);
if($resp->is_success) {
my $text = $resp->content;
# Hack off leading stuff.
$text =~ s@^.*\>Webpage\<.*?/td\>@@si or
die "Cannot parse response.\n";
# Here's what we think a group of tags looks like.
$uwht = "(?:\\s|\\ )*";
$taggrp = "$uwht\\<(?:[^<>]|\>$uwht\<)+\\>$uwht";
# Find the names.
$count = 0;
while($text =~ s@^.*?\<tr\>(.*?)\</tr\>@@si) {
$rowcont = $1;
$rowcont =~ s@^$taggrp@@si;
@row = split(/$taggrp/si, $rowcont);
#print "[@row]\n";
$#row == 3 || $#row == 2 or last;
$lastemail = $row[2];
if($count == 0) { print "No match for $lname, $fname.\n"; }
if($domail && $count == 1) {
system "mail $lastemail";
} else {
die "HTTP Request failed.\n";