# Translate a simple langauge into HTML.
# Blank lines become <p>
# _stuff_ becomes <u>stuff</u>
# @stuff@ becomes <tt>stuff</tt>
# {stuff} becomes <i>stuff</i>
# [stuff] becomes <b>stuff</b>
# [[stuff]] becomes <h1> header.
# [:stuff:] becomes <h1> header and centered.
# A line of 3 or more --- becomes an <hr>.
# A >>> at the start of a line becomes
# Other stuff is retained, with & < > " being translated into
# approprite stuff. The \ escapes substitutions.
# Generally, \ is removed. Use \\ to add a single one.
use strict;
# Set of plain replacements. Order is important.
my @plain = ( '\&', '&',
'^\s*\>\>\>\s*', ' ',
'\<', '<', '\>', '>', '\"', '"',
'\[\[', '<h1>', '\]\]', '</h1>',
'\[\:', '<center><h1>', '\:\]', '</h1></center>',
'\{', '<i>', '\}', '</i>',
'\[', '<b>', '\]', '</b>',
'^\s*$', '<p>',
'^\-\-\-+$', '<hr>' );
# Set of replacements which toggle. Replacement will be the open
# or closing version of the tag.
my @toggle = ( '\_', 'u', '\@', 'tt' );
my %toggle_status = ( '\_' => '', '\@' => '' );
# Prefix.
print '<html><body bgcolor="white">', "\n";
# Read the input.
while(defined(my $line = <STDIN>)) {
chomp $line;
# Do the simple replacements.
my @rs = @plain;
while(my $r = shift @rs) {
my $rt = shift @rs;
$line =~ s/(^|[^\\])$r/$1$rt/g;
# Work through the toggles.
@rs = @toggle;
while(my $r = shift @rs) {
my $rt = shift @rs;
# Accumulate the new line here.
my $newline = '';
# Take each left-most match for $r. The *? construct
# is a * that matches as few as possible.
while($line =~ /^(.*?(^|[^\\]))$r(.*)$/) {
# Move the left part to newline and add the
# replacement, then continue with the right part.
$newline .= "$1<$toggle_status{$r}$rt>";
$line = $3;
# Toggle the status of the symbol.
$toggle_status{$r} = $toggle_status{$r} ? '' : '/';
$line = $newline . $line;
# Reduce escapes.
$line =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
print "$line\n";
print "</body></html>\n";