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HTML Table Generator

  Code Examples

<<Text to HTML Translator Perl References>>
# This generates a simple HTML table from a text file.  The file begins
# with zero or more lines with set options of the form option = value.
# The first line after the options contains just spaces and | which 
# defines the extent of each column.

use strict;

# Expand tabs at 8 stops per tab.
sub expand {
    my ($line) = @_;
    my ($left, $right);

    while($line =~ /\t/) {
        ($left, $right) = split (/\t/, $line, 2);

        my($tabamt) = 8 - length($left) % 8;
        $line = $left . (" " x $tabamt) . $right;

    return $line;

# Legal options and default values.
my %options = ( color => '#bb7777',
                title => '',
                colsep => 3 );

# Read the options line, then return the first non-option line.
sub read_opts {

    while($line = <STDIN>) {
        if($line !~ /=/) { return $line; }

        # Read and extract the option.
        my($name, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $line, 2);
        $name =~ s/^\s*//;
        $value =~ s/\s*$//;

        # Check it
        if(! exists $options{$name}) {
            print STDERR "Illegal option $name.\n";
            exit 10;

        # Set it.
        $options{$name} = $value;

# Take the format line, and break it into an array of patterns to
# extract the data for a column.
sub first {
    # Get the first line, make sure it starts with |.  
    my($first) = @_;
    chomp $first;
    $first = expand($first);
    $first =~ s/^ /|/;

    my(@pats) = ();

    # Take successive leading |.... groups off the string.
    while($first =~ /^\|/) {
        $first =~ s/^(\|[^|]*)//;
        my($flength) = length($1);
        push @pats, ".{0,$flength}";

    # Replace the last one to permit it to take the rest of the line.
    pop @pats;
    push @pats, ".*";

    return @pats;

# One-character translations made on the data.
my %trans = ( '\[' => '<b>', '\]' => '</b>',
              '\{' => '<i>', '\}' => '</i>' );

# Scan the input, formatting each input line as an HTML
# table, breaking them into columns according to the line
# breaking format array sent as argument.
sub scan {
    while(my $line = <STDIN>) {
        chomp $line;
        $line = expand($line);

        print "<tr>";
        my $sep = "";
        foreach my $colpat (@_) {
            print $sep;
            $line =~ s/^($colpat)//;
            my $colcont = $1;
            $colcont =~ s/\s*$//;
            foreach my $ch(keys %trans) {
                $colcont =~ s/(^|[^\\])$ch/$1$trans{$ch}/g;
                $colcont =~ s/\\($ch)/$1/g;
            $colcont =~ s/\\(.)/./g;
            print "<td>$colcont</td>";
            if($line =~ /^\s*$/) { last; }
            $sep = qq|<td width=$options{"colsep"}></td>|;
        print "</tr>\n";

# Read the column def line, generate the header, copy the data,
# and close the table.

my $topline = read_opts;
my @pats = first($topline);

print "<html>\n";
if($options{"title"} ne "") { 
    print qq|<title>$options{"title"}</title>\n|; 
print qq|<body bgcolor="$options{"color"}">\n|;

print "<table>\n";
if($options{"title"} ne "") { 
    print qq|<center><h1>$options{"title"}</h1></center>\n|; }


print <<EOF;
<<Text to HTML Translator Perl References>>