* C++ array stack using templates. This stack uses a fixed-size array
* instead of a list. But it takes the constant array size as a template
* parameter. This demonstrates the use of template parameter which takes
* a numerical constant.
#ifndef _STACKT2_H_
#define _STACKT2_H_
// This is a template class. The name T stands for any type. By saying
// Stack<whatever>, we create a stack of whatevers.
template <typename T, int size = 50>
class Stack
// Create an empty stack.
Stack() { m_top_elt = -1; }
// Push an element to the stack. Note that push may fail, since
// there is only limited space on the stack. Returns true of the
// push succeeds.
bool push(const T &e)
if(m_top_elt >= size-1) return false;
m_data[++m_top_elt] = e;
return true;
// Pop an item from the stack. Return T() if the stack is empty.
T pop()
if(empty()) return T();
else return m_data[m_top_elt--];
// An alternate pop which returns through the argument list when the
// stack is non-empty (and returns true), but just returns false if
// the stack is empty. This can also be more efficient if T is large,
// and will work when T has no empty-argument constructor.
bool pop(T &ret)
if(empty()) return false;
ret = m_data[m_top_elt--];
return true;
// Tell if the stack is empty.
bool empty() const { return m_top_elt == -1; }
T m_data[size]; // The stack contents.
int m_top_elt; // The index of the top element.
Another way to build a stack is using a fixed-size array to hold
the data, and a subscript to say where the top of the stack is.
Here we have a template version of one, mainly to show that
template parameters are not necessarily type names.
The second template parameter is type int, which,
for a template parameter, means an integer constant. It
also has a default value, as you see.
It has almost the same public interface as the previous stack,
except that push can fail, since the stack might be full, so it
returns a boolean to indicate success.