Design Project

Following is the group design project, as duly swiped from Dr. O'Neal.

Warehouse Inventory Tracking System

The warehouse stores items for purchase by customers. To expedite order fulfillment, stock of most items is kept and a minimum reorder is made when stocks are below a set trigger quantity. Items ordered that are not in stock are special ordered for the customer. Each item stocked by the warehouse is tracked so that it may be located when needed. The warehouse may have items in three general areas: receiving room, stock room, or the order room. Stock received at the warehouse is initially processed in the receiving room. Stock is stored in the stock room. Like items should be store next to each other. Large items are placed on shelving while smaller items are placed in bins on the shelves. Shelves are numbered and each bin on a shelf are lettered.

When an order is placed a list of items to collect and bring to the order room. The order room has pallets and bins to organize and ship items to customers. A warehouse worker performs this task. The worker interacts with the system to initial the completion of the order.

Some items are uniquely identified. There are two methods, a unique serial number or rfid tag. Items with an rfid tag will have a serial number.

Ordering for items not in stock is currently done by the warehouse worker who is the one discovering an item is not in stock. The system should automatically create an order to suppliers for items not in stock when the sales office creates the customer order.

The customer is billed for each shipment (full or partial) when the shipment is made. The accounting department will access the system for shipments to get the invoice for a shipment. At this time the commission amount for a sales person is calculated. Commissions are paid weekly and are currently manually entered into the payroll system.

Accounting also queries the system weekly for inventory valuation. This process generates orders for any items at stock levels beneath the reorder trigger point.


You should have use case diagrams that identify each service the system provides. Write detailed user scenarios for each major use case. Your class diagram should be complete enough that implementation by experienced developers could begin with the information it contains. Demonstrate the implementation of your user scenarios by including appropriate object collaboration and/or sequence diagrams. A project write up should be included that details any assumptions, caveats, additional information about the project, and further work that would need to be done to complete the design of the project. The portfolio should be presented either as a single bound document, or as a single PDF.

Each group will give a progress report to the class on October 27. Final portfolio should be submitted by November 13.

Your class presentation should be composed of showing and explaining your use case diagrams and class diagrams. Please bring your materials in a form (power point presentation) that can be shown to the class.