Ada Rational Driver
-- -- Simple test driver for the Rational_Number package. -- with Gnat.Io; use Gnat.Io; with Rational_Number; use Rational_Number; procedure RatTest is R: Rational := To_Rational(6, 15); R2: Rational := To_Rational(2); R3: Rational; begin R3 := To_Rational(5,7) * (To_Rational(4,9) + R) / R2; Put("The answer is: "); Put(R3); New_Line; if R3 = To_Rational(65, 112) then Put_Line("Yes"); else Put_Line("No"); end if; if R3 = To_Rational(114,378) then Put_Line("Yes"); else Put_Line("No"); end if; end RatTest;