Ada Integer Stack Imple
-- -- This is the body of the integer stack package. This file is named -- int_stack.adb. -- package body I_Stack is -- Push an integer. If the stack is already full, ignore the push. procedure Push(S: in out Int_Stack; I: Integer) is begin if S.Size < Max_Size then S.Size := S.Size + 1; S.Data(S.Size) := I; end if; end Push; -- Pop and integer. If the stack is empty, a zeor is placed in I. procedure Pop(S: in out Int_Stack; I: out Integer) is begin if S.Size > 0 then I := S.Data(S.Size); S.Size := S.Size - 1; end if; end Pop; -- Get the top item, or 0 if the stack is empty. function Top(S: Int_Stack) return Integer is begin if S.Size > 0 then return S.Data(S.Size); else return 0; end if; end Top; -- Tell if the stack is empty. function Empty(S: Int_Stack) return Boolean is begin return S.Size = 0; end Empty; -- Tell if the stack is empty. function Full(S: Int_Stack) return Boolean is begin return S.Size = Max_Size; end Full; -- Make the stack empty. procedure Clean(S: in out Int_Stack) is begin S.Size := 0; end Clean; end I_Stack;