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Thread Demolition Derby

^  Dr. Bennet


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Thread Demolition Derby
Graph Search
This program creates and destroys threads in a somewhat random fashion. Threads can exit themselves or be killed by another. Several raven threads execute th_wait on randomly-selected worker threads.

<<Simple Two-Thread Test thlibt3.c Graph Search>>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <thlib.h>

 * This program tests the thread scheduler by creating and destroying 
 * processes randomly.

/* A collection of thread records. */
struct trec {
        th_id_t id;
        char name[40];
        unsigned char status;
#define INUSE   0x1
#define DEAD    0x2
#define WAITED  0x4

#define NENT    25

int nthreads = 0;
struct trec members[NENT];
static char *name_parts[] = { "non", "gol", "wan", "weg", "ol",
                              "tag", "pul", "noc", "tap", "bink",
                              "at", "balt", "rut", "qua", "wye" };

/* Choose an entry at random. */
struct trec * randent(void)
        return members + random() % NENT;

/* Bomb set. */
char bomb = 0;

/* Thread starting threshhold. */
int startthresh = (9*NENT) / 10;

/* Raven function waits on processes to try and clean them up. */
int raven(void)
        while(1) {
                /* Choose an entry at random.  If it's valid, then we'll
                   wait on it. */
                struct trec *targ = randent();
                if((targ->status & (INUSE|WAITED)) == INUSE) {
                        /* Claim it and snooze. */
                        int ret;
                        targ->status |= WAITED;
                        ret = th_wait(targ->id);

                        /* Give status. */
                        targ->status = 0;
                        if(ret == -1)
                                printf("%s was executed.\n", targ->name);
                        else if(ret == -2)
                                printf("%s was blown up.\n", targ->name);
                                printf("%s died at %d.\n", targ->name, ret);
                } else
                        /* Just wait for the next opportunity. */

/* Initialize a table entry for a new thread. */
void trec_init(struct trec *ent)
        strcat(strcat(strcpy(ent->name, name_parts[random() % 15]), " "), 
               name_parts[random() % 15]);
        ent->id = th_me();
        ent->status = INUSE;
        printf("%s started\n", ent->name);


/* Generator thread. */
int gen(struct trec *ent)
        int age = 0;

        /* Choose a random name. */
        while(1) {
                struct trec *targ;


                /* See if we hit a bomb. */
                if(bomb) {
                        bomb = 0;
                        printf("%s boom!\n", ent->name);
                        ent->status |= DEAD;

                /* See if we're going to set a bomb. */
                if(random() % 20 == 0) {
                        bomb = 1;
                        printf("%s set bomb\n", ent->name);

                /* See if we croak. */
                if(age > 5 && random() % 15 == 0) {
                        printf("%s done for\n", ent->name);
                        ent->status |= DEAD;

                /* Choose a random position. */
                targ = randent();
                if(targ->status == 0) {
                        /* Maybe start a new thread there? */
                        if(random() % 100 < startthresh) {
                                th_id_t k;
                                printf("%s starting new thread\n", ent->name);
                                if(th_fork() == ARE_CHILD) {
                                        trec_init(ent = targ);
                                        age = 0;
                                //startthresh /= 2;
                                startthresh = 10 * startthresh / 15;
                } else if(!(targ->status & DEAD)) {
                        /* Maybe kill it? */
                        if(random() % 10 == 0) {
                                printf("%s terminating %s\n", ent->name,
                                th_kill(targ->id, -1);
                                targ->status |= DEAD;

        int i;
        th_id_t r[3];

        /* Get us started. */
        for(i = 0; i < NENT; ++i) members[i].status = 0;

        /* Three ravens. */
        if((r[0] = th_fork()) == ARE_CHILD) raven();
        if((r[1] = th_fork()) == ARE_CHILD) raven();
        if((r[2] = th_fork()) == ARE_CHILD) raven();

        /* First three workers. */
        if(th_fork() == ARE_CHILD) gen(&members[0]);
        if(th_fork() == ARE_CHILD) gen(&members[1]);
        if(th_fork() == ARE_CHILD) gen(&members[2]);
        nthreads = 3;

        /* Let it all happen. */
        while(nthreads) th_yield();

        for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                th_kill(r[i], 0);

<<Simple Two-Thread Test Graph Search>>